Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Does it Mean to Learn Torah?

“When a person learns Torah, he must intend that the Torah and Mitzvot he is doing will help him emerge from the control of the evil.” – Kabbalist Baruch Ashlag (Rabash), “What Is ‘The Earth Feared and Was Still,’ in the Work.”

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How Do You Connect With Different People?

It is hard for us to accept different people because we have no integral perspective on the world. If we had one, then we would see how we all complement each other, and that we each have our own special

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Is World Unity Possible?

The more we develop, the more problems and crises we encounter, and their purpose is to lead us to the realization that the only way out of a total collapse is through unity. World unity is not only possible, it

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Heat Waves Are Becoming More Common and Intense – Why Is This Happening?

Indeed, this summer the Northern Hemisphere is experiencing record heat waves. July 2023 was the hottest month since we began temperature measurements, and there are also record temperatures in the oceans. The Mediterranean, for example, measured five degrees above average.

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How Do I Make a Good Future?

To secure ourselves a good future, we need to make sure that everyone has a good future, and not that we each try to build a good future for ourselves at the expense of one another. We need to also know how

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Can You Tell Me Some Questions Which Will Help Me Introspect?

Do I have love for humanity? If it seems too far-fetched to have love for humanity from the beginning, then you could start with love for people in your own country. How do you check if you have love for

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In One Sentence, What Will Make the World a Better Place?

We need to strive to connect in a way where humanity becomes “as one man with one heart,” meaning that each of us feels everyone and wishes for the benefit of all. #humanity #connection Based on the video “What Does

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, News

What Would You Do if You Have a Lot of Influence in the World?

We each have a lot of influence in the world at every moment. It is not as some people think, that our influence is only every few years when we have the chance to vote for our respective governments. On

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Is There Any Purpose in Life?

The purpose of life is to rise above our inborn animal level of existence to the human one, where we realize our positive connection to each other and to nature, and where we can properly discern between good and evil,

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What Should I Do to Be at Peace?

We can achieve peace by raising ourselves to become human in the fullest sense of the term. The word for “human” in Hebrew is “Adam,” and it stems from the same linguistic root as the word for “similar” (“Domeh”). It

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Do Natural Disasters Help Bring People Together?

We see people coming together and helping each other out more during crises. Nature sends such situations precisely in order for us to wake up to our connection, and to the idea that we need to consider the benefit of

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How Do Conspiracy Theorists Come Up With New Conspiracy Theories?

We come up with all kinds of conspiracy theories primarily because we do not know where we live, why we are alive, where we are headed, and what is good and bad for us. We are confused. We can think

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