Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Is It Possible to Fulfill the Commandment “Love Your Neighbor as Yourself” Without Peace in Israel?

In today’s Daily Kabbalah Lesson, we read the 60th letter of Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), where he responded to a question from someone who had read his essay Matan Torah [“The Giving of the Torah”] following its publication. Matan Torah elaborates on the

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What Does It Mean to Observe a Mitzvah?

Observing a Mitzvah (commandment) means wanting, through our efforts, to connect the states we undergo with their higher source. In doing so, we resolve the states that we pass through, as it is that higher source—the force of love and bestowal called

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Where Do We Come From?

“We have to know that all of the souls extend from the soul of Adam HaRishon, for after he sinned in the sin of the Tree of Knowledge, his soul divided into 600,000 souls. This means that the one light

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What Is the Ratio of Egoists to Altruists in the World?

Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam) writes that 90 percent of people are egoists and 10 percent are altruists. The root of this division stems from qualities in nature that are described in the wisdom of Kabbalah. In Kabbalistic terms, the light, which

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What Should One’s Life’s Work Be?

Since we are parts of a collective soul, like cells in a human body, then our main work is to connect everyone through us. Doing so creates an integral connection among the soul’s parts. In conducting this work, there are

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What Does It Mean for Someone to Be Pure?

There are two cases in which we can be pure. One is that our desire to receive is very small, and then we are pure similar to little children. That is, human nature is a desire to receive enjoyment, and

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Why Is America Suddenly Turning Against Israel?

The rising tide of anti-Israel sentiment in America, particularly within its prestigious universities, is indeed a cause for concern. Institutions like New York University, Yale, Columbia, Harvard, UCLA, UC Berkeley, MIT and the University of Michigan, which are renowned for

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Can Patience Be Learned?

One of my students recently asked me whether patience could be learned after mentioning the following quote: “I asked God to grant me patience. God said, No. Patience is a byproduct of tribulations; it isn’t granted, it is learned.” –

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What Are the Signs That Someone Is Deeply Unconscious, Spiritually?

In our lives, we are indeed spiritually unconscious. That is, we live on a spiritual level, but we lack its sensation. This situation is similar to newborn babies who become registered in state records, and who have several people already

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What Is Spiritual Love and How Is it Expressed?

Spiritual love is our awareness and attentiveness of our closeness to the Creator, or in other words, to the positive force of love and bestowal dwelling in nature, according to the extent in which our intention to love resembles the

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In One Sentence, What Does it Mean to Follow the Torah?

To follow the Torah means to continually draw closer to others, little by little. Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman and Semion Vinokur on July 1, 2024. Posted on Facebook, LinkedIn Newsletter, Medium,

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What Are the Peculiarities That Make for a True Leader?

A true leader should feel as if they do everything in order to set a correct example for their people, a “correct example” being that of “love your neighbor as yourself.” In the future, at a time after we evolve

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