Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Does Every Problem Have a Solution?

One of my students recently asked me this question in relation to the following quote: “We call a situation hopeless when we don’t like the way out.” – Jerzy Stanisław Lec The author here states that there is always a

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Love Is the Goal of Human Development

Our entire life, history and evolution is to transition from unfounded hatred, which is our inborn egoistic nature, i.e., a quality of wishing to enjoy ourselves at the expense of others, and to achieve the love of others. In order

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What Is the First Step Toward a Harmonious and Peaceful Society?

The preliminary stage on a path of development toward a harmonious and peaceful society is realizing the evil of our egoistic nature. I think that we are in this stage right now. That is, the various confrontations, crises and wars

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What Do You Do When You Feel Sad?

I never feel sad. I do not let sadness develop in me. I do so by keeping myself occupied, but even if I did nothing at all, I would still not be sad. Not letting this feeling develop in us

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What Does it Mean to Understand Life?

One of my students recently asked me this question in the context of the following poem: “Who understands life is no longer in a hurry, He relishes every moment and watches As a child sleeps, an old man prays, How

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Can We Consciously Apply to Our Lives the Adaptation Process We Undergo Unconsciously as Newborns, Infants and Toddlers?

When we enter the world, both this corporeal world and the spiritual world, we undergo a period of adaptation where we accumulate initial knowledge with which we further develop. In both cases, it is a completely natural process. If we

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Rabbi Akiva’s Laughter: A Testament of Hope in Times of Despair

Rabbi Akiva is known to have laughed upon witnessing the destruction of the Temple. Why did he laugh? It is because he grasped the unfolding of a necessary process leading to a far greater future state. The ruin of the

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Tisha B’Av: A Call to Unity in the People of Israel’s Final Exile

As we approach Tisha B’Av, the day commemorating the ruin of the Holy Temple and the shattering of our unity as a single entity, we face existential threats and witness a growing trend of Israelis wanting to leave the country.

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An Invitation to the 2024 NA Annual KabU Retreat

An Invitation to the 2024 NA Annual KabU Retreat Hello to all of you who find interest in the wisdom of Kabbalah and wish to know what this wisdom is really about, and what it guides a person to achieve.

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The Allegory of the Thirsty Knight and the Three-Headed Dragon

A knight, who had lost his horse and armor and held only his sword, walked on, hungry and thirsty. In the distance, he saw a lake, but beside it sat a three-headed dragon. With his last ounce of energy, the

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What Was the ARI’s Contribution to the Development of Kabbalah?

In the words of Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam): “Our sages have already said, ‘You have not a generation without such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.’ Indeed, that Godly man, Rav [teacher/great one] Isaac Luria [the ARI], troubled and provided

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What’s Wrong With Communism?

Communism’s past mistake was that people were forced to live under certain conditions that were labelled as “communism.” In order for a cooperative society to work, people cannot be forced but rather must want to apply its conditions out of

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