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How to Unite a Nation that Is Not a Nation

Earlier this week, Israeli president, Isaac Herzog, gave a heartfelt speech where he called on both sides of the political rift surrounding the proposed judicial reform to lower the flames and build bridges above the disputes. “We are in the

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Jewish, News

What the UN Really Expects from Israel

The State of Israel’s relationship with the United Nations has often been fraught with tensions and criticism. This was underscored by recent comments made by UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, Volker Turk who pleaded for an “illogic escalation” of

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, Israel, News

The Hidden Nexus between Ukraine and Turkey

While the world is grappling with the magnitude of the disaster that struck Turkey and Syria, the war in Ukraine is raging on without any sign of abating. Whether cities are being destroyed by shells or by an earthquake, the

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Posted in Articles, Nature, News, Ukraine, War

What Can We Learn From Elephants?

Elephants are very compassionate and sensitive animals. They are the only animals that hold a burial ceremony. Often the herd digs a hole, covers the dead elephant and stays near the grave for several days. Also, if the herd encounters

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Does Unconditional Love Exist Between Two Partners?

Unconditional love can exist between two partners if they work on it and attain it. Love is based on mutual concessions, yielding to one another, and finding joy in doing so. When we love our partner, then we have no

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships, Jewish, News

How Do I Activate the Energy of Success?

Getting the energy to succeed depends solely on the importance of the goal. That is, if you want to achieve something, you will have the energy to achieve it. Most importantly, you need to understand what your goal is, and

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, News

Where Did All the Antisemitism Come From in the First Place?

Antisemitism lives in the foundations of human society and human nature. The human ego—the desire to enjoy at the expense of others and nature—evolves throughout history and during a person’s life. The more it grows, the more it feels an

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How Would You Become the Best Version of Yourself?

We can become the best versions of ourselves when we realize that we need to achieve love for one another. When we reach a state of loving others, we exert our energy into that love, and we then want nothing

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Are the Jewish People Still in Exile?

Being Jewish means attaining the sensation of two contrasting forces in nature, the egoistic force, which is our human nature, and its opposite altruistic force, which is the force of nature itself. The attainment of these two forces define the

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Posted in Articles, Jewish, News

The Judicial War May Devolve into a Civil War

The judicial reform that Israel’s new administration is advancing has stirred turmoil throughout Israeli society. From every sector and faction of society, people are condemning the reform or rooting for it. Those condemning it warn that the reform will obliterate

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News, Politics

Antisemites in the Middle Ages Vs. Antisemites Today: Is There a Difference?

Yes, there is. In the Middle Ages, people felt a much deeper dependence on the Jews than people today. Today, we have medicine, chemistry, technology and other means by which we can use nature to our benefit. Humanity has accumulated

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, Jewish, News

What Is the Origin of Jewish Self-Hatred?

Abraham, who researched the laws of nature, saw that the growing human ego of his time was a sign of a maturing society. He understood that nature grows the egoistic desire in people in order for people to positively connect

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