Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Can You Tell the Human from the Animal?

Animals can be tamed through positive and negative stimuli. People can be tamed similarly if they are lowered to the degree of animals. If we constantly hold such an influence over people, without letting them develop beyond such stimuli, always

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Is Road Rage Happening More Often?

Road rage has recently escalated in a display of violent incidents in Israel. One person was murdered at a pedestrian crossing for making a remark at a motorcycle driver, and in another incident, a driver threatened to kill another driver

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News

Can Humans be Tamed?

We need to develop ourselves as human beings beyond our animate level of existence, and it is possible with a certain kind of education. Developing ourselves as human beings means learning and balancing ourselves with the integral laws of nature

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Posted in Articles, Nature, News, Science

What is behavioral change?

Inside us is a model of our surrounding environment. It is where we create and feel the environment. We receive impressions from our surrounding environment, which in turn builds its systems into the inner model that we host. People specifically

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships, Nature, News

Change This 1 Thing to Achieve Perfection

The world is heading to a state of perfection. While it might seem like we are drawing ever further away from perfection, it is in order for us to feel our remoteness from a perfect state so that we would

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Posted in Articles, News, Science

Israeli Police Resigning in Droves

  One of my students told me about a major problem with police officers in Israel, that they are resigning in droves. It used to be an honorable position in Israeli society, but today they face more workloads and responsibilities

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How to Cope with Fear and Anxiety

One of my students told me that when he discussed his anxieties with someone close to him, like his wife or a close friend, then he found that the moment he started opening up to them, the anxiety decreased—even before

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Posted in Articles, Health, News

Symbols of Tradition Becoming Symbols of Disobedience

Traditional and religious holidays in Israel are usually times of national unity. These days, Israel is celebrating Hanukkah, a holiday whose essence is the triumph of the Jewish spirit of unity over the Hellenistic spirit of exalting the self. Yet,

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News

Why Adults Should Play

Playing is a very important means for development. When we play, we develop new relationships and connections. While it is common knowledge that children need to play in order to develop, which is why we buy them games and put

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Posted in Articles, Family, News

What is more important, compassion or empathy?

Through empathy we come to feel the pain of others, and through compassion we feel the pain of others but are able to handle it. It is because compassion comes with love, which is the key difference between the two.

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Posted in Articles, Health, Jewish

How to Conquer Fear – A Kabbalist’s Advice

Just let the fear go. Don’t think about what will happen in the next moment. We know nothing about what is truly going on in our lives. It is thus best for us to just let go. We hold such

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What Is More Important, Compassion or Empathy

Through empathy we come to feel the pain of others, and through compassion we feel the pain of others but are able to handle it. It is because compassion comes with love, which is the key difference between the two.

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