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What does Jordan B. Peterson think about Israel?

Jordan Peterson stated on his visit to Jerusalem that Israeli people “have a tremendous moral responsibility,” and continued… “like you have, perhaps, for your entire history, for reasons that are very difficult to understand, and I think it is true, in some

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Posted in Articles, Israel

The Meaning of the Hebrew Alphabet and the Prisoner from Siberia Who Suddenly Knew Hebrew

Many years ago, not long after I had begun to study the wisdom of Kabbalah with my teacher, RABASH (Rabbi Baruch Shalom Ashlag), I received a letter from a man who was imprisoned in a penitentiary facility in Siberia. Back

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Women Gathering in Unity

Today, at 5:30 p.m. Israel time, thousands of women from around the world will gather for a unity event. Women of all faiths, traditions, cultures, ages, and ethnicities will strive to bring their hearts closer together above all the differences

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Does everything have an origin?

Everything comes from nature, which is a quality that functions solely in a direction of bestowal and love. Those who discovered nature as a force of bestowal and love also called it “the Creator.” We are created in an opposite

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Bad Jews – A History of American Jewish Infighting

Emily Tamkin, a Jewish writer from the UK who writes about American Jewry, has recently published a book titled Bad Jews: A History of American Jewish Politics and Identities. The book’s publisher, Hurst, describes it as “A lively, thoughtful history

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Posted in America, Articles, Jewish, News

What qualities make a good politician?

Before discussing the qualities that make a good politician, we need to understand that there is a higher force of nature determining and directing human development in order to guide us to aim for everything we think and do in

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Posted in Articles, Politics

Quitting Israel

The results of the Israeli election had an interesting side effect: dissatisfied Israelis, presumably from the left side of the political map, have begun to explore the possibility of “quitting” Israel. They have set up Facebook groups with titles like

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What is the importance of holding a steady framework?

Holding a steady framework in life is very important and natural. If we lack order in our lives, we become miserable. Frameworks help us keep our daily schedule and order. It is thus very important to see that people find

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Space Tourism and the Overview Effect

The overview effect is a cognitive shift reported by some astronauts while viewing the Earth from space. Researchers have described the effect as “a state of awe with self-transcendent qualities, precipitated by a particularly striking visual stimulus.” The most prominent

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Posted in Articles, Media, News

American Jewry Should Stay Out of Israel’s Internal Affairs

The results of the general election in Israel are very difficult to swallow for many American Jews. Not only did they prefer Yair Lapid to Benjamin Netanyahu as prime minister, they loathe Netanyahu’s likely coalition partners. The New York Times

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Posted in America, Articles, Israel, Jewish, News

What social framework should we develop for a better future?

We are now entering a completely new framework in humanity, spanning families, towns, cities and nations. Today, nations have become replaced with a new kind of mixture, similar to how separate vegetables turn into a salad. This is especially visible

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Posted in Articles, Science

When You Fail a Grade, You Must Retake It

Recent studies have shown that there is a “democratic recession,” as one paper called it. Another study moaned, “To the surprise of many in the West, the fall of the USSR in 1991 did not lead to the adoption of

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