Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Is it natural for a person to live in frameworks?

It is natural for us to live in frameworks because we emerged from the animate level of nature, where there is a very clear framework. The animate level has a clear framework of instincts: everything in the animate being’s existence,

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Posted in Articles, Nature

What is a crime?

Defining crime is very problematic. In Russian, there is a saying: “Show me a person and I’ll pin a crime on them,” i.e. it is easy to prove, in a serious manner, that anyone is a criminal. We are all

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Why are gang members so attached with other gang members?

Gang members are often very tightly connected and have a feeling of devotion to each other, up to a point where they are willing to die for each other. They share a common pride, that what they are doing is

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships

When do we consider that a person is a criminal?

Until we completely correct our ego, where we can position ourselves to the benefit of society—which is already a degree like we never saw before anywhere in this world—then we are always criminals of sorts. We are criminals from birth.

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Is Our Future Eternity?

A student told me he had read that the famous futurist Ray Kurzweil is about to publish a new book titled The Singularity Is Nearer. Apparently, it is a development, or elaboration on ideas Kurzweil had presented in his earlier

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Posted in Articles, News, Science

Can Corrupting Art Save Earth?

Since the beginning of the year, there has been a growing trend among climate activists to corrupt art history’s greatest treasures in an effort to raise awareness of climate change. So far, twelve incidents have occurred this year, six of which took

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy, Nature, News

A Nation that Is Not a Nation

A week before the general election that was held this Tuesday, the newspapers Israel Hayom and Haaretz published two separate surveys, both concluding that contrary to the common perception of Israelis as preoccupied with problems of defense and terror, they

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News

Why do we distract ourselves?

The question about the meaning of our lives constantly lurks underneath everything we do in life, and we distract ourselves in myriad ways in order to avoid this very question. Around a century ago and earlier, we had much clearer

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Following the Israeli General Election

Perfect timing: on the day of the Israeli parliamentary elections, we began studying Baal HaSulam’s article, “Peace in the World.” Among other things, the article speaks about the interdependence of all people and how the positive or negative actions of

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News, Politics

Time for the UN to Live Up to Its Charter

Last week was the 77th United Nations Day, marking the anniversary of the entry into force of the UN Charter in 1945. The day’s official web page states, “There is no other global organization with the legitimacy [and] impact of the United

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Posted in Articles, News, Peace, Politics

Should I try to boost my ego or keep it in check?

We should know the final goal that we are destined to reach, and that the ego develops within us in order to reach that goal. However, it develops within us in order for us to make correct use of it,

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Posted in Articles, Jewish, Nature

Why is the world deteriorating?

The world is starting to understand where it is. We are starting to agree with the fact that the future will be no better than it is today, and the next generation will be far worse off than we are.

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Posted in Articles, Media