Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Do Israeli Jews rely on American Jews to advocate for them?

Most American Jews feel no connection to Israel. Even if they talk about it, it does not come from the heart. They do not feel it. We do not feel ourselves as belonging to one another. To begin with, we

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Posted in America, Articles, Israel, Jewish

Should great teachers be rewarded?

I think it is incorrect to involve other calculations in teaching. It is one thing for students to grade their teachers as a means of developing the students, but not that the teachers receive any public excellence rewards for their

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

What do you think of the Diderot effect?

After living a life of poverty and not caring much about material wealth, Denis Diderot received a fancy new red scarlet satin robe as a gift. Afterward, he noticed that his chair was just an old straw chair, and changed

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Can Israel Win against Terror?

Since the birth of the Jewish nation, it has faced vicious enemies. Each time, a different villain sought to extinguish our nation. They almost always won, and we almost always lost, but in the end, we are still here and

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News

Epidural Shortage- A Painful Lesson from Reality

Beginning November, women in Israel may have to give birth without the trusted epidural injection to relieve their pain. The Association of Anesthesiologists of Israel has warned of a “serious shortage of epidural kits to relieve the pain of women

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Posted in Articles, Health, News

What are your thoughts on freedom of speech?

There is no freedom in our world, and while our world exists in its current form—running on a motor of human egoism, where we each aim at benefiting ourselves at the expense of others—then we can expect no freedom. Freedom

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

How can one rise above themselves?

We can rise above our egoistic selves in a group setting where we conduct various exercises that guide us on how to connect with each other until we receive a feeling that we live in a single system of nature.

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Change Is the Only Certainty

The world is changing very quickly, and the pace seems to be growing exponentially. On the one hand, each new technology, and there are countless of those, promises to make the world a better place. On the other hand, new

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Posted in Articles, Nature, News, Science

Education as an Antidote for Hunger

This week, the UN, and several related organizations, marked two significant dates: the World Food Day and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. International organizations for the poor and hungry have existed at least since the end of

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy, News

How do I teach my children to embrace failure?

Suppose we encounter failure. Michael’s group played against Oren’s group, and we lost. We then sit and talk about it, understanding that we were weak and we lost, without crying about it. We might feel some pain or cry internally,

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Posted in Articles, Family

How to Fight Right

Jews always argue. In our history, these arguments have sometimes led to violence, and even flared such hatred that they inflicted ruin on our nation. Yet arguments, or as we prefer to call them, “debates,” have been a core value

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News, Politics

What is the spiritual process?

The spiritual process of development means disagreeing with listening to our egoistic desires for self-benefit at the expense of others and nature, and developing a new spark that will be connected solely with the upper force of love, bestowal and

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Posted in Articles, Jewish