Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How can Israel have more condemnations from the UN human rights council than all other countries combined?

It is because Israel is responsible for everything that happens in the world, everything bad and good. We determine the attitude of the upper force of nature in terms of how it relates to everyone. The UN singles out Israel

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Posted in Articles, Israel

Economy Today

The start of a new year (according to the Hebrew calendar) is a good time to reflect on the things that decide the quality of our lives. Economy is certainly one of the key factors that determine whether we live

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy, News, War

When Nature Speaks, We Should Listen

Hurricane Ian left a trail of devastation that will take weeks to assess, years to repair, and who knows what new adversities will happen in the meantime. According to scientists, climate change likely did not cause Ian, but it did

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Posted in America, Articles, Nature, News

Should I stockpile food in the case of shortages?

I think that doing so is useless. Food shortages and famines do not happen in order for us to fill our storage, barns, kitchen drawers and whatnot. We rather need to understand how we can realistically make sure that the

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy

Why do we have a nature that rejects what is harmful and absorbs what is beneficial?

Human nature is the desire to receive pleasure, which wants to receive what is beneficial and push away what is harmful. Such is the essence of our nature, and everything else in our lives is built upon it. We thus

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Posted in Articles, Nature

On the Possibility of Nukes

Last Friday, Russian president Vladimir Putin announced the annexation of four regions in Ukraine. A day later, Ukrainian forces recaptured the key city of Lyman in the region of Donetsk, one of the annexed regions. In response, Ramzan Kadyrov, head

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Posted in Articles, News, Russia, War

What are the biggest problems faced by humanity, and how do we go about solving them?

Following a string of heatwaves, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres stated at the Petersberg Climate Dialogue in Berlin that “We have a choice. Collective action or collective suicide. It is in our hands.” The problem is that we simply cannot act

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Posted in Articles, Nature, Social Mutual Responsibility

Always with Me

Thirty-one years ago today, my teacher and mentor RABASH passed away. This post is dedicated to him because everything I know, everything I understand, everything I teach, and everything I do I learned from him, and my life’s goal is

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Posted in Articles, books, Jewish, News

Italy Turns Right, but Is It Right for Europe?

“The right-wing alliance that won Italy’s national election will usher in a rare era of political stability to tackle an array of problems besieging the euro zone’s third largest economy, one of its senior figures said on Monday.” This is

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, News

Will AI replace teachers in the future?

In Tel Aviv schools, a pilot was launched in order to overcome a severe shortage of teachers with the help of virtual glasses and AI. In practice, it means that computers will replace some of the teachers. A computer can

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Will AI-powered translation bring people closer together beyond languages?

I think that it would go the other way and bring about more harm, because we need to listen to each other’s hearts, to communicate from heart to heart rather than from mouth to ear. Unless we correct ourselves, developing

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Reflections on Self-Hatred

One of the things that election campaigns in Israel highlight is self-hatred. Some parties in the Israeli parliament are overtly and explicitly anti-Zionist. That is, they oppose the very existence of the Jewish state. The fact that they even exist

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, Jewish, News