Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Do bacteria defend themselves against viral infections?

There is research showing how bacteria defend themselves against viruses. One of my students who was impressed by such research recently asked me how such tiny bacteria could be so smart in order to mobilize against various viral predators. In

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Posted in Articles, Science

What are the best ways for me to support someone?

The best way to support someone is by dressing in them out of love. We need to make an image out of ourselves that the person in need would willingly accept and perceive positively. There is a saying about this

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships

How does a good supportive connection work?

A good supportive connection works when we share the good and the bad with others, and then we feel the burden from the good and the bad as more moderate and bearable. By doing so, we gain the strength to

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

How do we make sure technology makes life better, not worse?

We lack only the right intention behind the technology we create and use to make sure that technology improves our lives, and not the other way around. We should thus increase the importance of strengthening an attitude of mutual consideration

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Posted in Articles, Science

Climate Gone Mad

A few days ago, the papers warned that Europe is facing the worst drought in 500 years. They described the dry and hot weather and the fires that broke out all over the continent and spoke of an apocalypse. Today,

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Posted in Articles, Nature, News

His Legacy Is Our Duty

This month, eighty-two years ago, one of the founders of the State of Israel, Ze’ev Jabotinsky, passed away. Jabotinsky was a gifted poet, a celebrated author, and an eloquent orator. But most of all, he was a Zionist leader who

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Jewish, News

Why do people need support in their lives?

The world operates according to forces that are outside of our perception and sensation. Reality is much broader, profound and complex than the way we are built to perceive it. Therefore, in relation to everything we do in our world,

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships

What does it mean to support someone?

Supporting someone means dressing into their desires. We have to feel what the person-in-need truly needs, what they lack, whether it is an ability, strength or knowledge, so that we can fully realize their need. Then, we can try to

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

The Ultimate Pleasure

Scientists discovered that an ant exposed to heat during an activity with other ants behaves as if it does not feel it. It continues with all the other ants as if it feels nothing, and changes course only when all

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships, News, Science

Devoid of Jewish Identity

The national Jewish identity and the fear of losing it has become a question that troubles many people in Israel. On the one hand, there is no fear that we will lose our identity even if we want to since

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Jewish, News

Truth, Love, and the Connection between Them

“The truth is in the eyes of the beholder,” says the famous maxim. In the age of fake news, it is more difficult than ever to tell true from false. So how can we decide whom to believe? How can

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships, News

Do you think Israel is broken? If yes, how can we fix it?

We have long been broken. We face alienation and generally negative relations toward each other, and it is indeed a problem. We need to reach a state where we take care of each other, to explain to ourselves that there

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Posted in Articles, Israel