Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What are the full implications of “Deepfake”?

While there is a lot of anxiety regarding the implications of deepfake technology, I think that it could help correct the world. Deepfake could help bring us closer to the truth, prompting us to outsmart the phenomena that we create

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Posted in Articles, Media

Connection Begins with Respect

Gil Tamary is a well-known Israeli journalist. A few weeks ago, he sneaked into Mecca, Islam’s holiest city, defying an entry ban on non-Muslims. The stunt made the Saudis so angry that they tracked down and arrested the man who

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Media, News

The Need to Get Out – My Personal Story

I remember how everyone looked at me fifty years ago in Belarus when I said that I had to leave there and go to Israel, that I had no other choice and wanted nothing else in life ‎other than to

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Jewish, News

How can I shift my emotions from negative to positive?

Throughout nature, negative feelings run in parallel to positive ones to sustain the balance. We should thus first understand that negative feelings surface in us from nature in order for us to enter into balance with nature. Doing so will

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Posted in Articles, Health

Israelis against the State of Israel

When Operation Breaking Dawn broke out last Friday, Israeli journalist Gideon Levy harshly criticized Israel in an interview for the anti-Israel Al Jazeera network. Bella Hadid, an international model of Palestinian origin and a frequent basher of Israel, quickly seized

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, Israel, News

Can we consider all humans as being ill? If yes, why?

We are ill in the fact that we cannot distinguish good from evil, and we cannot gather and integrate the good in ourselves so that it gradually covers the evil. Evil in this case is egoism, the desire to enjoy

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Posted in Articles, Science

Don’t Panic, There Is Money Behind It

A new TV series in Israel, titled 𝐷𝑜𝑛’𝑡 𝑃𝑎𝑛𝑖𝑐, examines if Israel is prepared for events of mass destruction such as earthquakes, tsunamis, or a leak of poisonous gas. Not surprisingly, the series concludes that Israel is unprepared for any

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Media, News

Why does crisis bring people closer?

I recently received a letter from a lady who explained that she and her husband had to move into their basement after their house got destroyed, and they felt liberated as a result. In her words, she wrote that “caring

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships

How can we deal with negative emotions?

Negative emotions awaken in us first in order to signal that we have to advance from where we are to a better place. That better place is an essential change in human connections, which ultimately comes down to mutual relations

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Posted in Articles, Health

Demand, Even If the Heart Refuses

The 9th of the Hebrew month of Av came and went a few days ago, but it seems like it is always here. “Unfounded hatred,” or hatred without cause, which caused the ruin of the Second Temple and the expulsion

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Posted in Articles, Jewish, News

What is the solution to gun violence without harming the liberty and freedom of gun-owners?

First, I think that it is unrealistic to disarm hundreds of millions of people. The solution to gun violence is in education. Even if somebody had the power to forcibly confiscate everybody’s guns, gun violence would remain a problem. People

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Bring Back the Pioneer Spirit

When I came to Israel in 1974, I was sent to a hotel that accommodated new olim (Jews who had just immigrated to Israel). Each family was given a room and we slept, dined, and learned Hebrew there. One day,

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Jewish, News