Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Redefining Happiness and Security

For many people, happiness is a feeling that they are loved, accepted, and safe in their social environment. We feel secure when we have a positive image of the future. An optimistic feeling about the future gives us a reason

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships, News

How will people and society change in the future?

We will eventually reach a state where everyone in society will have the same level of prosperity, receiving what we need for a normal life, realizing our full potential to participate in social life by caring for others, and increasing

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

What’s the best proof that God exists?

The fact that we exist. Based on “Ten Blitz Answers about the Creator” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on May 21, 2022. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Featured in Quora

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Posted in Articles, Jewish

Does God have feelings?

The Creator’s feelings are limitless. However, we cannot discuss them because our perception and sensation of reality is encased within certain limits. Based on “Ten Blitz Answers about the Creator” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on May 21, 2022. Written/edited

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Posted in Articles, Jewish

Does God understand constructed languages?

The Creator, which is a quality of love, bestowal and connection, understands the language of feelings when we relate to Him independently of ourselves, and when we wish to feel Him and simultaneously forget about ourselves. In other words, the

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Posted in Articles, Jewish

Where is our creator?

The Creator is the quality of love, bestowal and connection that is behind the canvas of our world, behind our desires, emotions, sensations and thoughts. If we wish to attain to attain the Creator, then we need to expand on

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Posted in Articles, Jewish

In Memory of a Spiritual Giant

This week, we will be commemorating the anniversary of the passing of one of the world’s greatest spiritual giants: Isaac Luria, known as “the holy ARI.” Although unknown to many, his writings form the basis of today’s wisdom of Kabbalah.

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Posted in Articles, Jewish, News

Is instantaneous transmission/conduction possible?

The system we exist in is absolutely closed, integral and analog. Everything is interconnected out of time, i.e. time is zero. There is practically no space between objects. We feel objects existing at some distance, as interacting in some kind

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Posted in Articles, Science

Which Education Promotes Peace

It is said that educated people do not fight. Because of it, Israel invests a great deal in the education of Palestinians in East Jerusalem. In recent years, the number of Palestinians studying under the Israeli curriculum has increased significantly.

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Israel, News, Peace

Blinded by Hate

There is a new “weapon” that Palestinians use against Israelis: blinding lasers. Every night, residents of a certain Palestinian village direct strong lasers into the eyes of Israeli drivers in order to blind them and hopefully cause them to make

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News

How hard is it for a person who isn’t a Jew to understand the Torah?

Understanding the Torah requires study of the wisdom of Kabbalah, which is open to everybody regardless of religion, nationality, gender or age. At the outset, the Torah appears to be a historical tale, but Kabbalah reveals it as a method of

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Posted in Articles, Jewish

Hunger Is a Rolling Snowball

The rising inflation around the world and the foreboding food shortage has created a snowball that is rolling down the mountain straight toward us. No one is safe. Some countries are more vulnerable than others, but everyone is in harm’s

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy, News