Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Specter of the Forebear of Palestinian Terrorism Lives On

A documentary series on the Palestinian Arab nationalist Mohammed (aka Haj) Amin al-Husseini was recently broadcast in Israel. Al-Husseini was the leader of the Palestinian Arabs in the years preceding the establishment of the State of Israel. He was determined

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What is the meaning of the image of God?

Our attitudes to certain people and things lead to various images and behaviors. We depict the image of the Creator in His attitude toward the created beings. We can do so in relation to the inanimate, vegetative and animate levels

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Posted in Articles, Jewish

Where do dreams come from?

Dreams are impressions of the material world or other various wandering currents in our subconscious that we see in our mind. The wandering streams or currents of information, and the cell restructuring of the brain that takes place, bring about

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Posted in Articles, Jewish

Ill Will Is Scorching the Earth – Literally

The current heatwave in Europe is scorching the land and killing its residents. So far, according to ABC News and other sources, “There have also been more than 1,000 heat-related deaths in Spain and Portugal” alone, not counting the death

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Posted in Articles, Media, News

What is the message behind Noah’s ark?

It is written in the story of Noah’s Ark that all lived peacefully in the ark. It is because the ark represents the spiritual quality of Bina, i.e. a quality of pure bestowal, one that envelops and sustains everything within itself.

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Posted in Articles, Jewish

Confidence in US Institutions Down – but US Is Not

A recent survey released by Gallup analytics firm has found that the average level of confidence in US institutions among Americans is “at a new low,” and getting even lower. The alarming results show that 62 percent have little or

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Posted in America, Articles, News

What is freedom?

Freedom is a state where we rise above our restrictive limits and give everything we can for society’s benefit. Doing so gives us the opportunity to feel absolutely free from every restraint. How does it work that we become free

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education

Our Folly Has a Purpose

One of the most perplexing questions haunting humanity is why the most intelligent species on the planet cannot manage its life intelligently. After every self-inflicted cataclysm, we analyze, reflect, and draw conclusions in order to avoid its recurrence. Yet, every

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Posted in Articles, News, Social Mutual Responsibility

What are the Third Commandment prohibitions?

According to the wisdom of Kabbalah, prohibition equates to impossibility. Accordingly, the third commandment—”You shall not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain”—means that we cannot reproduce the name of the Creator because doing so requires making

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Posted in Articles, Jewish

Large Hadron Collider Can Reveal More Particles, Not the Secrets of Existence

On July 5, after more than three years of upgrade and maintenance work, “the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) detectors switched on all subsystems and started recording high-energy collisions at the unprecedented energy of 13.6 trillion electronvolts,” reported CERN’s web site.

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Posted in Articles, News, Science

How can humans rise above their animal nature?

There are three key steps involved in humans rising above the animal nature: Acknowledge that “love your neighbor as yourself” is the comprehensive law of nature that we have to achieve, and nature will make us reach it one way

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Nature

Europe Supports Terrorism against Israel

Less than a year ago, Israel presented evidence that the Palestinian organization Al-Haq is a terror supporting organization. As a result, the European Union cut off funding to the organization. A week ago, the EU suddenly announced that it had

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