Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Israel – the Ever-Electing Country

Nearly forty years ago, Jewish thinker Simon Rawidowicz published a book titled Israel – The Ever-Dying People. Since nearly four years ago, Israel has become the ever-electing country. For the fifth time in less than four years, Israel is going

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Jewish, News, Politics

What is the most important emotional skill to teach a child?

Friendship. There is nothing more important than being with friends. By that, children develop closeness with other children, how to talk to each other and connect, and in general, the construction of friendly relationships lets us enjoy happier, more balanced

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Posted in Articles, Family

Reopening Coal-fired Plants – When Hate Overpowers Common Sense

After decades of struggling to find climate-friendly alternatives to coal, Europe is forced to return to it after Russia cut its gas exports in retaliation for Europe’s sanctions against it. In a matter of weeks, years of work have been

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy, News, Russia

What’s so special about the Mojo Vision’s AR contact lenses?

One of my students was impressed by how these contact lenses let their users connect directly to the Internet through the contact lenses, and asked about what we could invent that would be even more advanced. It is that we

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Posted in Articles, Science

Where in Europe Is Good for Jews?

The answer to the question of what are the best places to be Jewish should be an unequivocal “anywhere.” Unfortunately, that is not the case. The fact that such a question was the main topic in a recent study by

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, Jewish, News

No Point in Having Economists without Accountability

An economist shared with me that there is a saying about economists, that they tell you tomorrow what happened yesterday. With the world drowning in a whirlpool of financial and economic crises, we need economists who can tell us not

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy, News

Growing Up with Roe v. Wade

Being the child of two doctors, the dedicated kind, who bring their work home, and with my mother being a gynecologist, I often witnessed first hand the complexities that come with a decision to terminate a pregnancy. My mother, who

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Posted in America, Articles, Health, News

What If We Got It All Wrong about the Climate?

What if we got it all wrong about the climate? What would we do if we learned that aerosols that pollute the air also cool it and mitigate the greenhouse effect? Also, what if we were told that volcanic eruptions

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Posted in Articles, News, Science

The Global Turbulence of the Travel Industry

Remember the days when traveling was relaxing, exciting? Those memories have been challenged in recent weeks by the chaos experienced at airports around the world, particularly in North America and Europe. A surge of summer passengers, eager and waiting to

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Posted in Articles, Coronavirus, Global Economy, News

What is the highest cause of cancer?

Cancer is an outcome of the human ego, which is a desire to enjoy at the expense of others and nature. It is a phenomenon that is very close to spirituality: cells suddenly begin to consume their own environment, and

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Posted in Articles, Health

Toward a Fiery Turmoil

Roe v. Wade is overturned and protests erupt, gun laws are revisited, war rages in Ukraine, Sri Lanka’s economy collapses, bank runs in China, escalating tensions between the US and China over Taiwan, an increasingly belligerent North Korea, and a

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy, News, Ukraine

Is a hologram a potential spouse now? If so, what are the benefits?

Akihiko Kondo is a young Japanese man who married a hologram of a virtual character three years ago, and he is not the only one. Thousands of people in Japan have relationships with fictitious characters. Kondo says that thanks to

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education