Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How Can I Project Love to Others if I Don’t Feel Loved Myself?

In order to attain a higher quality of love than what we feel in our day-to-day lives, we need to play a game. Why a game? It is because in a game, we do not play who we are now,

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Are There Any Mental Exercises That Help Improve Confidence in Unfamiliar Situations?

Imagine yourself as a child. Think about how good and pleasant it is to have a great and wise big brother or sister who is devoted to you, standing behind you, wanting to help. That is how we need to

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What Are Some Fun Cooperative Games?

Cooperative football. It involves having two teams on a football field, as there usually is in football, but no goals or goalkeepers. Five or six judges look out solely for aspects of cooperation, integrality, positive connection and mutuality. They seek

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In your opinion, what is the most important goal of education?

The most important goal of education is to raise people to positively connect and complement each other, finding genuine happiness through positive relations. Toward such a goal, we should eliminate scores and ranks because they have a destructive effect. They

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Kabbalah: A Journey from the Beginning of Creation to its End

In the wisdom of Kabbalah, we take upon ourselves the revelation of the Creator, to reveal our connection with Him and to bestow to all humanity. This means entering into all of nature to explore, discover, feel, and fulfill ourselves with

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What are some ways to make your students love you as a teacher?

Teachers should be honest and straightforward with their students, so that the students feel that the teacher is their friend. The students should also feel that the teacher is a wise adult that protects them, and who teaches them from

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How are your going to promote fairness and equality inside the classroom differences?

I would teach equality to everyone in the classroom. A practical exercise in doing so is for everyone to write down people’s differences, and according to those differences we have in our natural qualities, we should then discuss: How can

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What Is the Most Useful Subject?

The most useful subject, especially in our present era, is learning what nature demands from us, and how we can meet its demands so that we develop harmonious, peaceful and fulfilling lives. What does nature demand from us? It demands

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What Basic Knowledge Should We Start With About Our World?

We should start with the knowledge that our world is integral, that humanity is an integral group, and whether we are in our families, friend circles, classrooms, workplaces or any other grouping of people we might find ourselves among in

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What Are the Most Important Choices in Life?

We humans differ from animals in that in addition to desires for food, sex, shelter and procreation, we also have so-called social desires for wealth, power and knowledge, which we can satisfy at the expense of the surrounding society. These

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What Is an Equal Standard of Living?

An equal standard of living means no group or nation has more or less than they need, considering each nation’s habits, lifestyle and needs. Equality is not about numbers or statistics but about everyone feeling they are at a level

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What Does it Mean That the Torah Is Given for Sinners? If I Don’t Feel Like a Sinner, Does it Mean I Cannot Study the Torah?

You can study the Torah, but for the Torah to teach you, you need to feel a little like a sinner. That is why the Torah is given. We do not need the Torah for knowledge. We should feel like

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