Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Disinformation Czar – a Risky Gambit

A couple of weeks ago, the Biden administration announced the establishment of the Disinformation Governance Board, headed by Nina Jankowicz, who became known as the “Disinformation Czar.” Officially, the board, which reports to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), is

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Posted in America, Articles, Media, News

They Can Impose War; We Must Impose Peace

We are living through a very tough time in Israel: Relentless terrorist attacks are spreading fear and increase tensions with our Arab neighbors and division among ourselves. There is, of course, the temporary solution of separating the two communities, but

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, Israel, News, War

An Elevator to the World of Tomorrow

Whenever the world experiences a great upheaval, a desire arises to forge good bonds between all people. Whenever a country goes through an internal crisis, the desire arises to unite all parts of the nation. And yet, despite all this,

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Nature, News

Who is a spiritual person?

A person with spiritual attainment is one who starts feeling the upper reality of love, bestowal and connection, and who lives in that reality. It is a person who rises to a level of connection with the reality beyond everything

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Jewish

How Free Is Freedom of Expression?

On April 25, when Twitter announced Elon Musk’s purchase of the platform, it stated that Musk did this in order to promote free speech. “Free speech is the bedrock of a functioning democracy, and Twitter is the digital town square

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When Guns Stop Roaring – War Begins

There is a wave of terror in the State of Israel these days. Even when terrorists do not succeed in their attempts to murder innocent civilians in their homes or on the street, there is not a day without several

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Jewish, News, War

Humanity Restructured

A war in Europe that is lasting longer than anyone expected, and whose end is nowhere in sight, a virus that mutates and easily outsmarts scientists, seemingly unstoppable inflation, supply chains incorrigibly broken, and other worldwide crises are pounding humanity.

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Posted in Articles, Coronavirus, News, War

Why can’t I feel God?

We do not feel God because our quality is different to His. However, we can feel God by equalizing with His quality. What is God’s quality? It is a quality of love, bestowal and connection. Our qualities are reception, hatred

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Jewish

How can one be close to God?

The wisdom of Kabbalah states that we exist within God, which is a higher force of love, bestowal and connection. We are inside this force, but do not feel it. Instead, we feel only ourselves. What we perceive as the world is

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Jewish

The Freedom to Love

When your little girl or boy runs around the house, they feel no restraints or limitations. They feel free. Would it not be wonderful if we could be like that throughout our lives? Surprisingly, we can. Your children feel free

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Posted in Articles, Interpersonal Relationships, News

What is the real essence of spirituality? How does it change one’s life in the best possible way?

Our inborn human nature is a desire to receive for personal benefit alone. It is written, “The inclination of man’s heart is evil from his youth” (Genesis 8:21). By nature, we wish to grab, steal and kill for our own

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Posted in Articles, Integral Education, Nature

Victory Day – a Sad Reminder

This past Saturday, May 7, was the day when Nazi Germany signed its official surrender to the Allies. The following day, May 8, was declared as Victory Day in Europe. The Soviet Union declared the following day, May 9, as

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Posted in Articles, News, Peace, War