Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

COVID-19 Requires Mutual Responsibility

There is ample talk about COVID-19 being a punishment from nature for humanity’s mistreatment of it. I respectfully disagree. As I see it, there are no punishments in nature; there are natural laws. Gravity, for example, is a natural law.

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The Secret to Overcome the Coronavirus Lockdown

If you are like one out of three people in the world currently under stay-at-home orders, the question of how to make this situation meaningful becomes relevant. The surge of the COVID-19 pandemic is pushing humanity to realize how much

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The Passover Seder in the Coronavirus Era: A Means for Spiritual Connection

How are we going to spend our first Passover under the social distancing conditions brought about by the coronavirus? What will the Passover Seder look like? As a first, many families will be using the Zoom video conference tool to connect virtually

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Posted in Articles, Coronavirus, Jewish

What Can We Offer the Italian People During the Coronavirus Pandemic?

“I looked out the window from the room I have been closed in for weeks, and I saw my neighbor being removed in a body bag, due to dying from the coronavirus.” That is what one of my Italian students

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We Entered the 2nd Stage of the Coronavirus Pandemic. What’s Next?

We have passed the initial shock of the coronavirus pandemic, and now have entered what could be considered its second stage. We now understand that it is here to stay for a while, that it spans the entire globe, and

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How to Overcome Coronavirus-Related Anxiety

If we use the coronavirus period to learn about how it fits into nature’s plan of raising humanity to complete and harmonious connection, and also how it emerged to show us the flaw of our self-centered approaches to each other,

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What We Can Learn From the Coronavirus Pandemic

Unlike pandemics of the past, which affected localities and regions, the coronavirus pandemic is global. It affects everyone in the world. Today, humanity shares a common concern as the virus has spread around the planet, taking no notice of any man-made

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When Will the Coronavirus Pandemic End?

  We are not used to the coronavirus. We have no idea how we will come out of it and where we will head from here. If anyone thinks that it will pass in a few weeks, it won’t. We

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