Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Yes. Conscious Evolution Is Possible. Here’s How

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Are You Caught Up on the Current Progress of Humanity? History shows us that our lives change from generation to generation. Previously people lived in small towns and villages. They lived and worked in the same place and rarely traveled.

Introducing Nature’s Formula to Conquer the Crisis

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The Shocking Cause of Today’s Biggest Crisis Humanity is in a very special state today. We are sinking into a global crisis affecting all parts of human life because we are stubbornly trying to stay as we are, desperately holding

Get Rid of the Biggest Crisis You Face Once and for All

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Today humanity is in a global crisis affecting all facets of human life. And despite repeated attempts, panic decisions nobody seems to be able to come up with an answer, we do not even know exactly why we ended up

Warnung: Wissen Sie, wie sehr Sie voneinander abhängig sind?

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Ihr Verständnis der sozialen Evolution kann Sie für die Zukunft vorbereiten Entwicklungen jeder Art fördern weitere Entwicklung – in der Familie, Wirtschaft, Bildung, Kultur, Wissenschaft und Technologie. Unser soziales Verhalten begann, als wir gewahr wurden, dass wir ohne einander unsere

How Today’s Biggest Crisis Is Really an Opportunity

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Are we living the results of our past mistakes, or does life follow some comprehensive law, a general tendency? Or is it an inevitable process that we must experience, and only afterward obtain the benefits? Confused By Today’s Biggest Crisis?

Who Else Wants to Be Free from Modern-Day Slavery?

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For a person in the 21st century society, work is the center of life.  Society is what created that situation – so much so that even our free time, as far as vacations and social activities are concerned, are often