How Nature Wants You to Be in Balance All systems—in Nature, in human society, and in our personal lives—exist under mutual influence. In fact, the whole of nature acts as a single mechanism. The more we study the universe, the…
How Nature Wants You to Be in Balance All systems—in Nature, in human society, and in our personal lives—exist under mutual influence. In fact, the whole of nature acts as a single mechanism. The more we study the universe, the…
Here Is a Method that is Helping People to Maximize their Potential Up to this point in our development, we have been behaving and living instinctively, without using our unique human consciousness. The deepening global crisis—our suddenly obvious opposition to…
Wenn du ein Egoist bist, dann musst du dies lesen Heutzutage müssen wir erkennen, dass unsere Entwicklung als „Menschen“ in eine Sackgasse geraten ist. Eine Weile zuvor versuchten wir die Welt um uns herum zu korrigieren, indem wir verschiedene sozialwirtschaftliche…
Passen Sie sich der Natur an? Naturgesetze sind unveränderlich, im Gegensatz zu politischen Richtlinien, die man dauernd verdrehen kann. Gesetze der Physik, Chemie und Biologie können zur Kenntnis dieser Bereiche untersucht werden, und die Naturgesetze liegen über ihnen, das heißt,…
Know the Laws of Nature Like a Scientist Humanity has been evolving from generation to generation, from year to year, and even from day to day. If we examine the way we progress in life, we will see that there…
Today when the global, integral world around us demands mutual decision making and cooperation we realize that we are incapable of finding mutuality, a common ground as we all perceive reality today when the global, integral world around us demands…
Are You Aware of this Startling Opportunity that’s Hidden in Today’s Biggest Crisis? Today humanity is in a global crisis because our inherent self-absorbed, egoistic nature, that wants to exploit others, continue ruthless competition, succeeding at the expense of others,…
Eines der wohl bedeutendsten Themen der menschlichen Existenz ist die Freiheit. Woher kommen unsere Verlangen, welche Kräfte lenken uns, wie definieren wir unsere Ziele und worauf ist unser Streben ausgerichtet?
Take Control. Learn How 2 Forces of Development Can Either Benefit or Harm You Compared to the inanimate, vegetative and animate levels of nature, humanity has been going through a rapid, exponentially speeding development. But we still have many open…
Are You Caught Up on the Current Progress of Humanity? History shows us that our lives change from generation to generation. Previously people lived in small towns and villages. They lived and worked in the same place and rarely traveled.…
The Shocking Cause of Today’s Biggest Crisis Humanity is in a very special state today. We are sinking into a global crisis affecting all parts of human life because we are stubbornly trying to stay as we are, desperately holding…
Today humanity is in a global crisis affecting all facets of human life. And despite repeated attempts, panic decisions nobody seems to be able to come up with an answer, we do not even know exactly why we ended up…