Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

How Is it That Sometimes Brothers Hate Each Other?

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Hatred between brothers is a consequence of human egoistic nature. We are run by an inner program that makes us wish to suppress and be above others.

While our attitude in general is egoistic, our attitudes to our own brothers can be worse because within each brother can brew a subconscious hatred toward the other brother for taking away their parents from them. It is a feeling that makes them constantly fight.

It is a situation that extends back to the very birth of our world, and it will continue until we decide to change our egoistic nature. In other words, we were given our egoistic nature in order to change it.

Humanity is eventually headed to a bright future, where we will all become one family. It will happen according to a program unfolding in nature. Until we reach such a shift, we will need to accumulate experience in seeing how much our egoistic nature holds us back from living a good life. In the process, we will start developing what is called “recognition of evil,” i.e., awareness of our egoistic nature as detrimental, and among this recognition of evil will be the sensation that it is bad to hate one’s brother.

Until we reach this recognition of evil, we do not feel that our egoistic nature is a negative quality that holds us back from achieving a harmonious and peaceful world, and we thus do not feel bad about hating others, including our brothers. We should thus request a higher level of consciousness, that nature would grant us a higher intellect and emotion by which we would have an accurate perception of what is good and bad for our lives, and how to distance ourselves from the bad and draw closer to the good.

Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on April 1, 2024. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.
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