Dr. Michael Laitman Promjena svijeta – Promjena čovjeka

Understanding The New Connection between Us

We appear to have everything but desperation is all around us nowadays. How did we reach such a crisis and how can we fix it?

New Life – Program 62 – The Power of Money

Money can buy anything, except attributes we are born with. What causes us to chase after money and why is it impossible to exist without it in our world?

New Life – Program 63 – Money and Values

We have to make a living but most of us do not enjoy working. How can each of us realize himself and exist with dignity? Why is money the central value of our lives?

New Life – Program 64 – Social Contribution

Money is an absolute necessity for our existence, but what happens when expenses go up and there is less being earned? How can we get through this together?

New Life – Program 65 – Mutual Help & Money

What is the next resource that will supply us with our corporal needs apart from money, and why is nature forcing us to transition to a new situation?

New Life – Program 66 – Economic Fears

What does a lack of money awaken in us and how can we deal with the sense of dependence created from mutuality and partnership?

New Life – Program 67 – Mutual Help

Right where all the resources are used up, the most necessary means is revealed – unity. How can we realize the connection between so that we will all be better off?

New Life – Program 68 – Taking Stock

What is the ideological change that will solve the global crisis, and what system will replace the existing system?

New Life – Program 69 – Lack of Control

Our world is based on order and control but when everything collapses and becomes unstable what will provide us with our serenity in all this chaos and what is the reason for lack of control?

New Life – Program 70 – From A Pyramid to a Circle

If we connect as a family, we will succeed in achieving happiness, security and tranquility in society.  Michael Laitman HR offers a solution to the crisis.

New Life – Program 73 – Money, Pleasure and Travel

Money enables a higher quality of life – filing beyond our basic necessities. Dr. Laitman talks about other ways to enjoy ourselves on a wondrous and thrilling adventure, a journey to another world beyond this one, infinite filling?

New Life – Program 74 – A Magical Adventure

Dr. Laitman talks about the necessary preparations for embarking on a spiritual journey, a rich adventure for all senses whose goal is to open a the door to inner revelation where we discover the truth about ourselves, what is around