Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Have We Seen the Last of Covid?

The State of Israel is quickly approaching the fifty-percent mark of population that has received the second shot of the Covid vaccine. The country is reopening schools, gyms, movie theaters, malls, and hotels. Have we seen the last of Covid?

Why is it wrong to kill yourself?

Suicide counters the purpose of life. The purpose of life requires that we each rise above our inborn ego, which wishes to enjoy at the expense of others, and become like the positive force of nature, which acts to connects

How We Can Stop Substance Abuse

Nearly fifty years ago, on June 18, 1971, then president Richard Nixon declared that drug abuse was “public enemy number one.” But half a century later, we can declare that the war on drugs is a lost cause. Drugs are

Why does music heal our pain?

Music acts on our sense of hearing, which is the most sensual of the five senses. When there is a properly-tuned harmony, it affects us almost instantaneously. A few beats is all it takes to draw us in. Likewise, music

Covid- a Catalyst for Social Change

While everyone is rushing to get vaccinated, or, alternatively, declaring that the vaccines are a government scheme against the people, we seem to be ignoring something very important: why the virus showed up in the first place. Until we answer

Covid Isn’t Going Anywhere Yet

After more than a year of battling with Covid-19, vaccines are available and their distribution is gaining momentum. It seems as though we are finally emerging from the pandemic as many states have lifted some, or all, of the limitations.

Is There Real Happiness?

  When Covid-19 broke out early last year, most of us felt as though we’d lost our lives. More accurately, we didn’t actually lose our lives, but we lost our ability to enjoy life. After all, if you can’t vacation

Is Humanity Prepared for the Next Nuclear Disaster?

A decade ago, the strongest earthquake ever recorded in Japan triggered a tsunami which struck off Fukushima’s nuclear plant, killing more than 18,000 people and devastating entire towns due to the radiation leak. Today, the world questions what lessons were

Why did the Coronavirus come to all the world? Why is this virus active?

As much as we have been affected by the pandemic, we are still unaware of its true effect on us. The pandemic has affected us very deeply. It emerged in order to create a new humanity, to upgrade our attitudes

When It Comes to Vaccines – There Is No Union in the European Union

It’s hard to describe the European Union Covid-19 vaccines fiasco better than James McAuley did it in his most recent column on The Washington Post: “Imagine being in the middle of the greatest public health crisis in a century,” he

Malignant Relationships

Cancer has plagued humanity for millennia. Some reports of cancer date back to the seventh century BC, and ancient scrolls in Egypt talk about cancer of the chest. Over the eons, countless cures have been concocted, yet cancer is only

How do you deal with all these terrible things going on in the world?

I explain to people that suffering is not going anywhere, and things are not going to become any better or sweeter, unless we change ourselves: that we will want to correct our egoistic human nature into its opposite. The world