Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

If You Run Over “Signposts,” Expect Accidents

Now that we are facing a fourth jab, or a second booster shot, pick your term, it is obvious that we are going about the pandemic the wrong way. It makes no sense to get vaccinated every six months or

A Good Slap to Calm Us Down

The latest strain is really turning everything we’ve known about handling the pandemic on its head. It is super contagious, generally mild, and no vaccine seems to protect against it. In short, it has taken two years of unprecedented efforts

Others’ Disabilities Are an Opportunity for Us to Rise

Not long ago, there was a story in the press about a disabled twelve-year-old boy whose class went on a hiking trip. The boy thought he’d have to miss the excursion and was very sad about it, but his classmates

A Systemic Problem of Depression Requires a Systemic Solution

Depression has been a growing problem throughout the industrialized world for several decades, but it has skyrocketed since the onset of the pandemic. Death rates from substance abuse, suicide, and gun violence have skyrocketed, anxiety has become a major problem,

Opioids – an Escape from Pointlessness

According to data from the CDC’s National Center for Health Statistics, last year saw a leap of nearly 30 percent in deaths from drug overdose, 75 percent of which was attributed to opioids. According to the data, deaths from opioid

From the Body to the Mind

The current wave is causing more confusion than ever. If previously, experts believed that mass vaccinations were necessary in order to curb the spread of the virus, now there are experts who believe we should let go of all the

To Live, or Not to Live, That Is the Question

“To be, or not to be, that is the question,” mused Prince Hamlet in the so-called “nunnery scene” of William Shakespeare’s play Hamlet. Every year, around the world, some 800,000 people answer this question negatively and take their own lives.

Plenty More Waves in the Covid Sea

There is an oft-said consolation after a breakup: “There are plenty more fish in the sea.” As we are bidding farewell and saying “Good riddance!” to the Omicron wave, we must remember that there are plenty more waves in the

Covid, What Now?

You can feel it in the air, you talk about it with your friends, the coronavirus is on the wane. Although there are still cases of infection in the world, one after another, countries are lifting restrictions, removing mask mandates,

Diet – It’s Not about Will Power

From the very first moment of our existence, life hands us difficulties and obstacles. In fact, our whole life is a series of efforts to overcome hurdles. When our strength to overcome them wanes, we pass away. Being self-centered by

What is pain?

Pain is an organism’s reaction to a problem it experiences. It is the organism’s way of communicating that something is wrong; it sends a warning signal of danger, and it protects us from harm or injury. For instance, if our

How do you explain emptiness?

Emptiness is a unique category of desires that are unable to be fulfilled. They thus feel empty of the content that they would like to have. People who delve into questioning the emptiness that they feel are those who begin