Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Does Unconditional Love Exist Between Two Partners?

Unconditional love can exist between two partners if they work on it and attain it. Love is based on mutual concessions, yielding to one another, and finding joy in doing so. When we love our partner, then we have no

What Can We Learn From Elephants?

Elephants are very compassionate and sensitive animals. They are the only animals that hold a burial ceremony. Often the herd digs a hole, covers the dead elephant and stays near the grave for several days. Also, if the herd encounters

What Does It Mean to “Succeed” in Life?

To succeed in life means to reach a state where we desire doing good to others. We can genuinely feel good when we give and bestow to others. Why? It is because, by giving to others and wishing to bestow

What Does Nature Require of Us All?

I received this question from one of my students after the tragic Turkey-Syria earthquake, when dozens of thousands of people got killed, and hundreds of thousands were left homeless in the freezing cold with no food. The student asked me

Can You Define “Love” in One Sentence?

Love is to place the desires of others above one’s own desires. #love #desires #empathy Based on KabTV’s “I Got a Call. How to Find the Purpose of Your Child” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on June 27, 2012. Written/edited by students

If I Rise Above My Own Desires and Fulfill the Desires of Others, Then How Do I Feel Those People?

You feel yourself and the others as one, that they are the closest and dearest people to you. The “self” that you previously considered, your personal “I,” disappears from your sensation. Its relevance drops significantly as it becomes more like

If Your Spouse Has Become Too Demanding and Controlling, What Can You Do about It?

Kiss them. It comes from the principle, “love will cover all crimes.” Similar to Eastern martial arts, we need to use our opponent’s strength. Therefore, when your spouse bursts into complaints or throws accusations at you, kiss them. By so

What Are the Greatest Quotes about Love?

My teacher, Kabbalist Baruch Ashlag (Rabash), used to say about love that it is like an animal that you have to feed all the time, and then it will grow. Love grows out of mutual concessions. #quotes #love Based on

What Makes You Hate People’s Ego?

A major problem with today’s world is that everyone blames everyone else. If we, however, view ourselves as living in a completely interconnected and interdependent system, then everyone in that system is to blame: no one is right or wrong.

How Do You Find a Soul Mate?

It depends on you and not on who you find. If you like someone as a person and see that they are serious and responsive, then it all depends on you. Try to treat them as gently as possible, and

Is There Anything Wrong with Living for Your Own Pleasure Too Much?

We live within laws of nature, which develop us according to a certain plan in order to reach a destination where we will harmoniously connect with each other and discover the positive force of love, giving and connection that dwells

How Does Spirituality Benefit a Person?

When we attain spirituality, we attain eternity and perfection, the purpose of our lives. Reaching such a state requires developing positive human connections. We then discover true equality, security, happiness, confidence and friendship. When we start the spiritual journey, we