Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Does Satan exist?

The word for “Satan” in Hebrew stems from the word for “deviation” (“soteh”), i.e., that it is a force that diverts us away from the spiritual path. This force is the human ego, which is a desire to enjoy on

The Nature of Inaugurations and Unity Speeches

Joe Biden’s inauguration speech was all about unity. He said that his whole soul is in “Bringing America together, uniting our people, and uniting our nation.” The viewers on YouTube were not convinced. An hour later, Biden signed a slew

What is your view on euthanasia? Should it be legalized or stay legalized?

On one hand, it is very important that we die natural deaths. On the other hand, if we find people living through intolerable and unavoidable suffering, then it is necessary to relieve those people from such pain. Based on the

What is the difference between physical love and spiritual love?

Physical or corporeal love comes from receiving pleasure from someone or something. Spiritual love, on the contrary, means that we feel repulsion and rejection from others, and above these negative sensations, we build a loving attitude. It is written about

According to the Bible, what is spiritual growth?

The purpose of our lives is to reach a state of perfection by harmoniously unifying with humanity in a single integral system—our soul. This state is called “the revelation of the Creator to the created beings in this world,”* and

The Strongest Force of All

In relationships, at work, in society, in the country, in the world, in relationships of all kinds and at any level, one can see power, exploitation, and control. Where does this come from and how can we better cope with

What does it feel like to be spiritually enlightened?

The feeling of spiritual enlightenment is a feeling of unification with nature. It is that we exist in a field of a single common connection, with a force of love and bestowal connecting between us. Moreover, total unification as integral

No Heroes When It Comes to Covid

Can you still remember how you felt this time last year? Do you remember your hopes, your dreams, and your visions of the newly born decade? What’s left of those dreams one year later? If you took your wildest guess

Nothing Wise about Elon Musk’s Mars Colony Idea

Billionaire Elon Musk, owner of electric car company Tesla and Space Exploration Technologies Corp SpaceX, has a grand vision for humanity. He calls it “Mars & Beyond: The road to making humanity multiplanetary.” Put simply, Musk wants to colonize Mars

Can you describe your spiritual awakening experience?

We start our spiritual ascent from having an entirely egoistic desire, which wants solely to receive for personal benefit, and then a tiny spark of a spiritual desire emerges within us. The spiritual desire is one of love, giving, and

The Flight of the Honeybee

We may be oblivious, and we certainly are indifferent, but honeybees are disappearing at an alarming rate; their population is shrinking all over the world, and no one knows for certain why this is happening or how to stop it.

What are 5 facts about spiritual love?

1) The attainment of spiritual love and spiritual connection can only take place above sensations of hatred and rejection. If we love others without having built love above hatred and rejection, then it is not spiritual love. 2) It is written about