Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Hebrew Language Day: An Opportunity to Learn About the Code of Love

We are fortunate to be living in a time when we can speak Hebrew freely. I only began to learn Hebrew when I moved to Lithuania in the early 1970s, while in transit on the way to Israel. Until then

Jewish Innovation: Discarding our “Dirty Laundry”

Billions of people enjoy new technologies, while few are the innovators who command and develop the inventions that change the way we live. Consider for a moment the impact of one simple technological breakthrough in 1782 by Henry Sidgier with

What lies ahead for Jews in 2019?

2018 was a good year for Jews. This statement  might appear to a contradict the facts in light of the rampant anti-Semitism that erupted in basically every corner in the world, but the surface evil can be transformed into an

2019: How Israel’s Divisive Elections Can Become a Springboard to Unity

The election campaign in Israel is not going to look any different from other election campaigns the world has witnessed over the past two years. It’s a spree of excessive ego, exploitation, and corruption. Everyone wants to control and trample

Holocaust Remembrance Day: Today as Yesterday

“Never again.” A powerful statement with deep personal meaning to me since childhood when I started asking questions about why most of my family perished under the Third Reich and what the future would look like for my people, I

The Root of the BDS Boycotts of Israel

The enemies of the Israeli nation do not rest. While a Mideast policy bill that would penalize companies or businesses that boycott Israel managed to get approved in the US Senate, on the other side of the ocean in Europe, the situation

Anti-Semitism in Mainstream American Politics

How many times do freshman lawmakers from the Democratic Party need to apologize for anti-Semitic remarks until we understand what truly lies in their hearts and minds toward Israel and the Jews? Rep. Ilhan Omar’sallegation that the Jewish lobby and money are buying

Anti-Semitism an Ominous Presence in US Politics

How many times do freshman lawmakers from the Democratic Party need to apologize for anti-Semitic remarks until we understand what truly lies in their hearts and minds toward Israel and the Jews? Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar allegation that the Jewish lobby and money are

Spacecraft to the moon – check. Oscar – check. Anti-Semitism – check.

Israeli pride was on full display this week: marching up the red carpet to receive an Oscar, and sending a spaceship to the moon. As usual, the Jewish mind continues to make breakthroughs in science and culture. Good for us!

A Month of Jew-Hatred

A month of hatred has landed on world Jewry: swastikas and graffiti throughout the United States, anti-Semitic slogans in every European city, desecrated graves in Eastern Europe, and the horrible attack on Argentina’s chief rabbi. These are only some of

An Open Letter to Jared Kushner: Unity, the Ultimate Peace Deal

Dear Jared, I share your concern over the decades-old Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Needless to say, people around the globe feel that finding a solution to this conflict is long overdue. If there is world consensus about the urgent need to put

House Resolution Against Anti-Semitism, Hatred: A Band-Aid Solution

Anti-Semitism has become a problem on different levels in America. Repeated anti-Semitic tropes by Rep. Ilhan Omar, suggesting American Jews’ dual-loyalty to Israel and the US, prompted the US House resolutionthat denounces anti-Semitism and other forms of bigotry. However, it will be a finger-in-the-dike fix