Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Anti-Semitism in Fashion: When Anti-Semitic Symbols Become Trendy

There is nothing chic about Nazism but there is already a fashion trend called “Nazi chic” gaining popularity in the world. Clothing and accessories, phone covers, pillow cases, and other kinds of merchandise with pictures of concentration camp victims and images

How did New York become a battleground for Jews?

“Why are Jews being assaulted in a way they were assaulted in pre-Nazi Germany,” asks former NY State Assemblyman, Dov Hiking in a heartfelt tweet to NYC Mayor, Bill de Blasio, urging him to address the “out of control anti-Semitism in NY.”

A Trendy Anti-Semitic Fad

If the use of Nazi symbolism in fashion was manifested in isolated cases, there would be only slight cause for concern. But when this trend is backed or glossed over by giants such as Amazon, the biggest online sales platform

The New War Against the Jews

The parallels between the rise of Nazism in the 1930s and today’s political climate are clear. Political extremism on both the left and the right have started to take hold. Civilized discourse between the various groups has devolved into name-calling,

Israel: United We Stand, Divided We Are

What the recent elections revealed about ourselves and our future We have no nation. Division stands in our midst. Those are the results of an X-ray scan of Israel after its 22nd election. How can a nation constantly in conflict and

What causes anti-Semitism on the left?

Anti-Semitism emerged together with the emergence of the Jewish people in ancient Babylon about 4,000 years ago. Likewise, there are no causes of anti-Semitism specifically coming from the political left or right, as they both stem from the very causes

Israel at a Crossroads: Time for a Government for Everyone

If other people’s failures can make us feel a bit better in our loss, Israel is not alone in the world in its political limbo after the second elections this year again left no clear winner. Similarly, Spain is headed for its fourth election

The Fast of Gedaliah and How It Resonates In Contemporary Jewish Life

The murder of Gedalia Ben Ahikam was the first political assassination where a Jew killed a Jew. This tragedy is commemorated on the day after Rosh Hashanah with the Fast of Gedaliah. Most likely we have hardly heard about this

What Forgiveness Should We Ask for on Yom Kippur?

We Jews anger the Creator constantly, endlessly, and in every situation, when we agree to division and hatred among each other, and do not want to connect. The Creator strongly desires for us to be united because from that force

Anti-Semitism in Australia: The Deeper Cause and Solution

Two anti-Semitic events involving children that hit Australia in the past week are just the tip of the iceberg showing a worldwide boost in anti-Semitic sentiment, crimes and threats. The first was a 5-year-old who was revealed to be subject to anti-Semitic

Jewish Post-Trauma: The Cause, Diagnosis and Cure

Post-trauma from recurring anti-Semitic incidents, the Holocaust and the pogroms has permeated entire generations of Jews. In Israel, anxiety and traumatic events are part of the daily reality affecting children, adolescents and the population in general. The average Israeli has experienced

What We Can Learn from the Deadly Attack Outside the Halle Synagogue

The shooting attack near a synagogue in Halle, Germany was yet another dreadful act of anti-Semitism on the holiest day of the Jewish calendar. However, it could have been much worse if the 27-year-old attacker, who identified with the far-right,