Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Sukkot 2019: How to Reconstruct Our Jewish Home

Synagogues across the globe are shutting down their doors for good. Demographic changes, financial problems, assimilation, and lack of interest in Jewish life among younger people, as well as the feeling of insecurity due to anti-Semitic attacks, are among the major factors that contribute to

What would it take for Israel to get involved in Syria?

Israel should not get involved in Syria. It makes no sense for Israel to get involved in such conflict zones. Israel is not a superpower. It’s a small nation, and it’s finding it hard enough to survive as it is.

What’s the best schach?

The best Schach is the inner Schach that we build out of “waste of barn and winery,” i.e. what our ego considers wasteful, ideas of love, unity, brotherhood and concern for others. We raise this Schach above our heads, making it the roof of our temporary

Do you follow the Feast of Tabernacles?

What does it mean to follow the Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot? It means agreeing to erect a Schach, a thatched roof made out of plant scraps, which connects us under a single idea of unity, “as one man with one

How does one become wholly Jewish?

Anyone can become a Jew, no matter whether one is French, Italian or any other nationality, because Jewishness is not via lineage. To become a Jew means to adopt a certain way of thinking, an attitude toward life and its

Beyond Statistics: A Way Out of the Wave of Violence Against Women in Israel

Globally, almost 4 in 10 murders of women are committed by a male intimate partner, and Israel is no exception. In the last few days, crimes against women at the hands of their sentimental partners have shaken Israeli society, which is wondering

The Rise of Anti-Semitism in Germany and the World, and Its Solution

“We have a Nazi problem in Dresden and have to do something about it,” said a city council member who succeeded with local lawmakers in passing an initiative to declare a “Nazi emergency.” This story is not a throwback to the 1930s

From Rockets to European Labeling of Israeli Products. When Will Threats Against Israel Stop?

From Rockets to European Labeling of Israeli Products. When Will Threats Against Israel Stop? Around 450 rockets have been fired at Israel in the last few days and still counting, despite the announcement of a ceasefire between Israel and the

The future of Europe and the Jews

November marks the memory of two major events in European history that still resonate in today’s continent: Kristallnacht, the beginning of the systematic persecution of Jews that culminated with the Holocaust; and the fall of the Berlin Wall, the beginning of

What is Halacha?

Halacha is how a person progresses from his current state to a state of similarity with the Creator, i.e. to a state with an intention to bestow, adhered to the Creator according to the force of bestowal that the person acquires. The

Have you ever experienced anti-Semitism?

When I lived in Russia, it was a time when anti-Semitism was completely forbidden. Whoever would say a single word against Jews would be put into prison. Then, gradually, it started coming out little by little. I experienced a situation

What reasons do people give for hating Jews?

There are all kinds of stated reasons for hating Jews, whether it be holding too much power in countries we’ve assimilated into, ruling the whole world, being greedy, envy of our disproportionate success in the world compared to other nations,