Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Is “Kabbalah Mysticism” Just a Method Which States That the Human Mind Uses a Constant and Repetitious Pattern When It Thinks about Any Subject?

Kabbalah is not mysticism. It is a science that involves the attainment of the perception and sensation of the causal forces in our lives, while we’re alive in this world. Regarding what Kabbalah states about the human mind, it relates

What Are Some Mind-Blowing Facts About Israel?

  1. The word “Israel” stems from two words, “Yashar Kel,” which means “straight to God.” 2. The people of Israel first received their name as a group of people who gathered around Abraham around 3,800 years ago. Abraham taught them the

Thoughts Following Israel’s Independence Day

Israel’s Independence Day often invokes reflections on the meaning of independence and whether we are truly independent. Evidently, we are not independent economically. In a globalized world, no country is independent, much less a country whose economy relies so heavily

Why Our Generation is “The Last Generation”

Kabbalists divide generations according to the appearance of aspirations for the purpose of creation. In that sense, a new generation began when Abraham the patriarch appeared in ancient Babylon. He made a spiritual revolution and called on his countryfolk to

Do heaven and hell really exist?

Heaven, which in Hebrew is called “Gan Eden” (lit. “the Garden of Eden”), is the light of Hochma. The “garden” is Malchut, which is the last Sefira in the process of creation, made to receive the entire bounty of fulfillment that was created. Malchut filled

Tikkun Olam and the Falsehood of Social Justice- Times of Israel

Always around the holiday of Shavuot (aka Feast of Weeks), we Jews discuss the concept of Tikkun Olam (lit. “correction of the world”). The prevailing understanding of Tikkun Olam is that the term speaks of the obligation of Jews to pursue social justice, lead an ethical life, and

What is part of the time between Passover and Shavuot thought to be?

“And by the exodus from Egypt they received the level of faith…and after Passover, the purifying work begins in preparation for the receiving of the Torah. And when the Torah is dressed in a person’s soul, this is the time

What is Shavuot?

Shavuot is the celebration of the giving of the Torah. The Jewish holidays, according to the wisdom of Kabbalah, mark significant stages in our spiritual path, i.e., in our transformation from our inborn egoistic selves to our spiritual, altruistic selves,

Debunking the Myths Around Matan Tora ( the giving of the Torah)

Today we’re celebrating the giving of the Torah. According to tradition, on this day, some 3,400 years ago, the people of Israel stood at the foot of Mt. Sinai and received the Torah. Incidentally, it is written that when Moses

What is the meaning of eating dairy products during the Shavuot holiday?

Consuming dairy products during Shavuot is a symbol of love. White symbolizes light, which is the pure force of love and giving. Put simply, if we relate to each other out of love, we attract a positive response into our

Is the love of truth the ultimate spirituality?

What is spirituality? Spirituality is an opposite altruistic quality to our egoistic human nature. The human ego—the desire to enjoy—is behind every thought and desire we have, and behind every action that we do. Therefore, we perceive what we want

What are the things that do not matter in life?

We are made of egoistic material, where we primarily consider self-benefit at the expense of others. The more we develop, the more our egos grow, and in our era especially, our egos have developed to such heights that we find