Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Babylon under the American Flag

America has everything: socialists, communists, capitalists, starving people without a roof over their heads, and billionaires who own mansions throughout the world. America also has huge social gaps, and with the coronavirus and the anti-racism riots, troubles are inundating America

Is Anti-Semitism Racism? Depends Who You Ask

Read this Jerusalem Post headline carefully: “Anti-racism protesters in Paris yell ‘dirty Jews’ at counter-protesters.” That’s correct: the demonstration was against racism, and the demonstrators cursed a counter demonstration by yelling them, “Dirty Jews.” Put simply, in the eyes of

Do Not Fight Against Racism, Embrace Races

There has always been hatred in the world, but there hasn’t always been racism. Today, as the question of racism and race equality becomes increasingly prominent, it is easy to see its destructive potential. To avoid declining into extreme violence,

Has the COVID-19 pandemic caused any increase in anti-Semitism, with some people blaming Jews/Israel/Mossad for releasing the virus?

The websites Israellycool and Ynetnews documented multiple posts on social media showing blame of Jews for the coronavirus. Ynetnews published its findings just 18 days after the Israellycool post, and it showed a significantly larger amount of anti-Semitic posts added in that short timeframe.

How do I clean myself spiritually and how do I start?

Spiritual work starts from accepting the laws of your own correction. To do so requires: reaching an understanding that rising above the ego is of utmost importance, and that connection to others as a single whole according to the rule

What are the core teachings of the Kabbalah?

The wisdom of Kabbalah describes how nature works on all of its levels: still, vegetative, animate and human. It engages in how we are made and operate at deeper levels of reality, and not in any abstractions. One of Kabbalah’s

Does the tree of life in the Bible have any connection to the Tree of Life found in Kabbalah?

In the wisdom of Kabbalah, the Tree of Life describes a specific spiritual phenomenon. The wisdom of Kabbalah is defined as a sequence of roots that hang down by way of cause and consequence, weaving to a single exalted goal:

How long does a spiritual awakening take?

The length of time for each person’s spiritual awakening depends on the state of the collective system we are all parts of, which develops to an increasingly unified state, and how we are needed in that system. A person is

Learning Nature’s Teaching Method

In the early 1930s, my teacher’s father, the great Kabbalist and illustrious thinker, Baal HaSulam, wrote a groundbreaking essay titled “The Peace,” where he outlined how humanity can achieve peace and what will happen if it doesn’t. Among other things,

What is the real meaning of spirituality?

Spirituality is above our corporeal reality. It is a completely opposite perception and sensation to our inborn bodily one. We are born into an egoistic human nature, prioritizing self-benefit over benefiting others. However, spirituality operates in an opposite, altruistic way

How do I get motivated every single day?

We humans are different to animals in that our dreams, visions, goals and targets motivate us to strive more than merely living in order to survive. Getting motivated every day to realize one’s goals requires organizing for oneself an environment

What does it mean to love your neighbor as yourself?

As much as we depict the extent of our love for ourselves, we need to love others to that same extent. The more we develop, the more we perceive “love your neighbor as yourself” differently. As the human ego, the