Hatred is everything that doesn’t benefit me.
While it is a negative quality, it has a positive aspect because with its help, we can check what we need to change in ourselves. We are surrounded by a humanity, a world and a nature that we need to treat with absolute love. If we relate to anyone or anything out of hate, it means that we lack balance with nature: to be as loving, giving, caring and kind as nature.
True hate surfaces as we head toward love. If we wish to progress to become as loving as is the quality of nature, then we find how hateful we are toward others. Through such a revelation, we receive clarity on what we need to correct within ourselves in order to reach a state of love.
The more humanity develops, the more we see expressions of growing hatred. Hate is a natural and easy release of our inner human nature, and the explosions we see from vitriol all throughout mass and social media, and events such as mass shootings, are all expressions of this hatred surfacing more and more. In all these cases, only our negative qualities manifest, since we have yet to acquire nature’s positive qualities in addition to our inborn egoism, and we thus seek only to use others for self-benefit.
Our egoistic human nature is behind all of our hatred, and we need to correct it so that it will invert to love. We can undergo this needed hate-to-love transformation with the help of connection-enriching education—which teaches how to connect above our hateful and divisive drives—and the positive force of nature that we discover through such education.
Based on KabTV’s “News with Michael Laitman” on March 13, 2017. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman.
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