Dr. Laitman’s new global education method was presented to UNESCO Director General Mrs. Irina Bokova, who callehim a “true visionary.” During their meeting they discussedcurrent worldwide education issues and Dr. Laitman’s visiofor their solution. He stressed the urgency of considering the unique aspirations of today’s youth and the need to prepare them for life in a highly dynamic, global world, while also taking advantage of emerging communications technologies. The ARI Institute was immediately invited to participate in a series of UN / UNESCO education initiatives.
Today, Dr. Laitman serves as a strategic advisor tthe UN in education related initiatives. Dr. Michael Laitman has been featured, among others, in the following publications: The Corriere della Sera, the Chicago Tribune, the Miami Herald, The Jerusalem Post, and The Globe. He has appeared on several television programs including SKY TV (Skytg24) and Mediaset TV (Tg5), Univision and Bloomberg TV.
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