Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Jewish Unity Could Truly Help the World on Holocaust Remembrance Day

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UNESCO’s page announcing this year’s International Day of Commemoration in Memory of the Victims of the Holocaust, which occurs on January 27, states that it was established … to “urge Member States to develop educational programs to instill the memory of the tragedy in

Michael Laitman: Why Jews Have No Future In Europe

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As a Kabbalist, specializing in the intricacies of human nature, I know that as the situation in Europe worsens, and it will, the pressure on the Jews will grow. The hatred toward them will soar and they will undoubtedly be

Michael Laitman: Jews Have No Future In France

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Following the jihadist attack on a kippa [Jewish skull-cap] wearing Jewish teacher in Marseille, the president of the city’s Jewish community, Zvi Ammar, advised French Jews to leave their kippahs at home. In my view, it is time for the Israeli Foreign Office to

Why the World Blames Israel for ISIS and All Other Problems

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ISIS chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi recently turned his threats towards Israel. In the war against ISIS, while other countries are perceived as victims of radical Islam, Israel is perceived as its perpetrator. So when ISIS sets its eyes on Israel, the

Clearing up the Myths of Antisemitism

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The time has come to clear up some misconceptions about antisemitism. 1) What is antisemitism, and what isn’t it? Antisemitism is not about religious disputes. The Holocaust had nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with race. But antisemitism is

Michael Laitman: 10 Things We Must Know About Anti-Semitism—If We Want It Stopped

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I believe the time has come to clear up some misconceptions about anti-Semitism. 1)      What is anti-Semitism, and what it isn’t? Anti-Semitism is not about religious disputes. The Holocaust had nothing to do with religion, and everything to do with

To Defeat ISIS, We Must Call Young People to a Greater Purpose

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The Maccabee war of our time is happening right now. It is a war over the values that will dominate our world. Only the connection between us can put out the black fire of fundamentalist Islam that is threatening to overtake the

Michael Laitman – When We Are United, ISIS Is Frightened!

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The Maccabee war of our time is happening now. It is a war over the values that will dominate our world. Only the connection between us, as one man with one heart, can put out the black fire of fundamentalist Islam threatening

Michael Laitman: What Motivates A 14 Year Old Girl To Stab?

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The Islamic terror stems from an unbridled evil force that is even sinking into 14-16 year old girls, poisoning their minds and causing them to leave their homes brandishing scissors in search of a victim. This is a time to

Michael Laitman: Unity At Last?

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From Harvard academic, David Ropeik’s “Terrorism — Why It Frightens, and Unites Us, ” through French intellectual, Dominique Sopo’s “Faced With Hatred, We Must Respond With Unity, ” and even to the Grand Mufti of Egypt, Shawki Ibrahim Abdel-Karim Allam, who wrote, “If

Despite the World’s Hatred, Jews Must Seek Internal Unity to Spread Light

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As of this week, Israeli products will be marked with a special tag. The official claim against us is that Israel is an occupying country, and therefore deserves to be condemned. Allegedly, if we stop the occupation and reach a

Michael Laitman: Yellow Badge, Version 2015

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Starting this week, Israeli products will be marked with a special tag. The official claim against us is that Israel is an occupying country and therefore deserves to be condemned. Allegedly, if we stop the occupation and reach a political