Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Is Yom Kippur? – The Great Secret of the Jews (That You Don’t Know About)

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Each year around this time, Jews wish one another, “Happy New Year.” The High Holy Days are a time of joy, as well as a time of reflection. This year, it seems as though there is much more to reflect on than in past years.

Some Thoughts about Freedom and Happiness

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The Israeli Independence Day always gets me pensive. With its reliance on military and monetary aid from the US, and its extensive export to Asia, Europe, and North America, it’s ironic, almost sardonic to think of the state of Israel

Michael Laitman: A Beacon of Hope This Israel Independence Day

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Happy Independence Day! Each year around this time comes a day when we can proudly display our sympathy with Israel. On this day, we (try to) put aside our differences regarding our Jewish homeland and celebrate the fact that we

Israel: No Independence without Interdependence

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I think that it is more than symbolic that Israel’s Independence Day comes just a week after the Holocaust Memorial Day. To me, it is clear that were it not for the Holocaust, the state of Israel would not have

The Likud, the Zionist Union, and the (Israeli) President

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If the new government implements a spirit of true unity—among all factions of the nation, from all sides of the political map— it will succeed for sure. You cannot overstate the importance of the elections just held in Israel. The

Netanyahu, Khamenei, and How to Turn Gremlins into Gizmos on Purim

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I didn’t get to watch Netanyahu’s Congress Address last Tuesday, but a friend sent me a quote from the speech that caught his attention. In the quote, Netanyahu mentions the upcoming festival of Purim, when Jews read the book of

Purim—Not Your Jewish Halloween

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In This Article… What Is Purim? What Are the Costumes on Purim All About? What Does the King Represent in the Purim Story? What’s the Hidden Meaning of Esther in the Purim Story? What’s the Meaning of the Scroll and

Michael Laitman collaborates with international social scientists

Over the past three decades, Dr. Laitman has published more than 40 books that have been translated into 18 languages; all with the goal of helping individuals achieve harmony within themselves and the environment around them.

Leader in Global Change

Dr. Laitman’s new global education method was presented to UNESCO Director General Mrs. Irina Bokova, who callehim a “true visionary.” During their meeting they discussedcurrent worldwide education issues and Dr. Laitman’s visiofor their solution.