The Nigun “La Menatzeach al Shoshanim (To the Leader upon Lilies)” is based on the text of King David’s Psalm 45: My heart is moved with a good theme; I address my verses to the King; My tongue is the pen of a…
Social intelligence is the ability to feel and understand, in mind and heart, how I can best serve and benefit society. Based on the video “How Can You Become Socially Intelligent?” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman. Written/edited by students of…
We can become socially intelligent by exercising attitudes of support, encouragement, and care toward others. For instance, if we approach someone, we should think about how we can help them. When we see someone weaker than us in some way,…
By developing social intelligence, we come to view our complete connection to each other and to all the lower degrees of nature—the inanimate, vegetative, and animate. We see how we need to help each other, and together—all of us, all of…
All animals are instinctively socially intelligent. That is, they know how to behave with each other instinctively in a way that is good for themselves and for the environment. The animal kingdom has a built-in intelligence that makes animals act…
Social intelligence requires constantly balancing mind and heart, increasing and growing them both in the direction of the benefit of others. This emergence from ourselves toward others leads us to start feeling other people, which is key to truly achieving…
It seems to us that intelligence is cold, sterile, and unemotional, but our nature is ultimately a desire to enjoy. If we thus have the ability to optimally connect with others in order to enjoy life and to also bring…
Our awareness of our influence on nature has not grown. We recycle more today because we make much more garbage. We thus have no choice. Otherwise, we would bury ourselves under the garbage we generate. So we reach a state—at…
Nature has inherently built balance into all living things. Every creature, from a wolf to a bird, takes only what it needs to survive, no more and no less. But where are we, human beings, in this picture? We have…
We need to live according to our basic needs, like any animal. Living like any animal means that we live solely in order to meet our survival needs, and by doing so, we do not seek to fill ourselves with…
We have to reach a stage where we are like a wise and good-hearted mother toward her children. That is, the mother is a dominant figure in her family, and she exercises a great amount of control, but she does…
We have to complete ecology and this one big integral sphere we are parts of by developing our understanding of nature as global and integral, and that we likewise should relate to each other and nature in a global and…
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