Are You Aware How Much the Media “Feeds” Your Thoughts? In a globally interdependent world, only mutual guarantee (give what you can and receive what you need) can provide sustainable success. In order to achieve this success, society’s values must…
Are You Aware How Much the Media “Feeds” Your Thoughts? In a globally interdependent world, only mutual guarantee (give what you can and receive what you need) can provide sustainable success. In order to achieve this success, society’s values must…
Se hvor enkelt du kan forstå menneskehetens største krise I årtusner har menneskeheten stilt de samme spørsmålene: hvor er vi på vei; hva og hvordan utvikler vi oss; hva burde vi endre for å forbedre våre liv; hvor fører menneskets…
The Secret of Why Crime Is on the Rise Many studies in criminology cast doubt on the effectiveness of prison sentences as a means of crime prevention. For this reason, the influence of prisons on inmates—especially with regard to deterrence…
Hvem styrer familien? Kvinner! Når vi undersøker det korrigerte samfunn vi ønsker å eksistere i, bør mye oppmerksomhet gis til familieenheten. Dette er fordi familien er et mikrokosmos av vår verden. Dermed er det åpenbart at hvis vi fokuserer på…
Vet du hva naturen krever av deg? Naturen sette forran oss en nødvendig forutsetning for vår eksistens: Vi må oppnå en tilstand av fullkommen kjærlighet. Men hvordan møter vi denne betingelsen, hvordan kan vi oppnå en “alt inkluderende” kjærlighet…
What Everybody Ought to Know About Giving Thus far, we’ve been evolving through the power of reception. That force has been pushing us forward and developing in us, a desire to receive for ourselves; a desire to acquire, understand, know,…
Aiming Towards Manufacturing the Perfect Human Man is the only being who changes during life and constantly develops. The process of development that humans go through is mandatory simply because the ego keeps growing during our lives and from generation…
If You Don’t Benefit Others Now, They Won’t Benefit You Later Today, humanity is at crossroads. More and more people realize, as a result, the deepening and seemingly unsolvable global crisis, that driven by our inherently self-centered and egoistic nature—our…
What You Don’t Know About Mutual Relations Could Harm You There are various techniques and belief systems claiming that the ego is bad and should be neutralized. We need to understand that there is no such thing as “bad” in…
Are You Aware that You’re Evolving Right Now? During our lives, we go through a process of evolution. We don’t see the end of the process in the beginning so we don’t understand the need for each of the steps.…
The Secret to Maintaining a Good Attitude As animals, we are different from other animals in that we desire to use the environment either in our favor or to the detriment of the environment. Using the environment for my favor…
Are You Fulfilling All of Your Desires? After centuries of scientific development, we are discovering that there are fundamental laws in our world that affect us and the quality of our lives. Our work in this world is to evolve…