Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

What Are Your Thoughts?

Thoughts are expressions of our desires. We think about what we desire. Desires are primary and thoughts are a calculation device that aim to supply our desires with the fulfillments they crave. #thoughts #desires Based on the Daily Kabbalah Lesson with

Why Is English Considered an International Language?

England once fought with Germany to spread their respective influences on American territory, and the German language was set to prevail at a certain point. If it did, then today we would very likely be in a world with German

Why Would We Want To Bring Back Extinct Animals?

I received this question from my student who mentioned a project of a company that is working to bring back the dodo—a large flightless bird that became extinct about 350 years ago—with the help of gene editing. The bird had

When Will Human Population Exceed the Capacity of Planet Earth?

There is a popular narrative today about human overpopulation being a problem—that it increases global warming, climate change and disease, to name a few. However, in actuality, the more human population, the less suffering we each individually endure. Moreover, we

What Needs to Happen or Change for Humanity to Advance?

Human nature is a desire to enjoy for self-benefit. It is our starting point, and we are placed in a process of development that leads to a state where we will end up inverting our nature in the direction of

Why Do We Have to Have Natural Disasters?

We receive major blows from nature ultimately in order to shake us out of the state where we live according to an egoistic paradigm—with exploitation, manipulation and hatred dwelling in our connections—to a state where we positively connect, as described

Do People Who Go Out to Space and Look at the Earth from Afar Undergo Any Kind of Special Change?

Indeed, people who go out to space and view the Earth from afar come back differently. By detaching from us even for a short period of time, they come back with a different opinion about how we should relate to

How Can We Protect the Environment?

Our every problem stems from our perception of ourselves as separate from nature, where we differentiate “me” from “everyone and everything outside of me.” Such a perception makes us regard our environment as subordinate to us. Even when we care

What Did Einstein Really Do That Was So Great That Helped Humanity?

Einstein did nothing to benefit us. Moreover, he helped build the atom bomb, and told us that there are properties in our world that we cannot understand. It would have been better if he and the other nuclear physicists had

Why Does Deja VU Happen? Why Do We Feel That Something Has Already Occurred?

When our brain starts comparing different phenomena, then it seems as if a certain event has already taken place. We start embedding one video fragment into another, one picture into another, and we thus encounter what we call “déjà vu.”

What Do You Know About the System in Which We Live?

We live in a single global-integral system, and it has a specific demand from us. What is its demand? It is that we adapt to its global-integral laws. The system we live in urges us to connect to it in

How Has Technology Changed Our Interactions with Each Other at Both Local and Global Levels?

The more we develop, the more globally interconnected and interdependent we become, technologically and economically, i.e., with more and more external connections to each other. We have built systems where if one country switches off in even one of its