I received the following message from Andrey, a follower on social media: “There is a certain formula: We will never receive what we want until we are grateful for what we have. How do we give thanks for troubles, pain…
We should strive to discover and understand the meaning of life, to see that life’s meaning is for life itself to reveal to us: what it is for, and to which destination it leads and pulls us. Our lives, as…
It is a great rule in the Torah that “You shall love your neighbor as yourself” (“Veahavta Lereacha Kamocha”). It is significant that this command is written in the singular, “Veahavta” and not plural “Veahavtem” as it emphasizes the need…
A sage once said, “A person must acquire both knowledge and wisdom.” When he was asked about the difference, he replied: “Knowledge is achieved by reading books, and wisdom is achieved by reading the book that you yourself are.” What…
Two students looked at a waving flag. One said: “The flag is moving.” The other replied: “No, the wind is moving, which makes the flag move.” Their teacher came and said: “You are both wrong. It is a thought that…