The story starts with Ahasuerus, King of Shushan, enjoying a royal feast, and then his wife, Queen Vashti, disobeyed one of his commands, so he divorced her and sought another wife. The king had a loyal minister called Mordecai, who…
The story starts with Ahasuerus, King of Shushan, enjoying a royal feast, and then his wife, Queen Vashti, disobeyed one of his commands, so he divorced her and sought another wife. The king had a loyal minister called Mordecai, who…
If we viewed human society a single live organism, then what would we see? We would see that, in its current state of development, its immune system is barely working, and its cells and organs, which should be sustaining the…
The story of Purim describes the near-genocide of the Jewish people. Haman recognized the Jews’ division as an opportunity to eradicate them. “There is a certain people scattered abroad and dispersed among the peoples” (Esther 3:8). Haman said that in…
To succeed in life means to reach a state where we desire doing good to others. We can genuinely feel good when we give and bestow to others. Why? It is because, by giving to others and wishing to bestow…