Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

The Agreement with Lebanon to Bring Neither Peace nor Quiet

“Israel’s Supreme Court on Sunday rejected petitions that would have held up a landmark U.S.-brokered deal setting a maritime border with Lebanon, which Washington predicted could be finalised on Thursday,” hailed Reuters on Monday, October 24. But if the agreement

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News, Peace, Politics

What a Canadian Psychologist Knows about Israel that Israelis Do Not

Dr Jordan B Peterson, a Canadian media personality, clinical psychologist, author, and professor emeritus at the University of Toronto, describes himself as a “classic British liberal.” The media often describes him as conservative. Be that as it may, his words

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Posted in Articles, Israel, Jewish, News

Can Israel Win against Terror?

Since the birth of the Jewish nation, it has faced vicious enemies. Each time, a different villain sought to extinguish our nation. They almost always won, and we almost always lost, but in the end, we are still here and

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News

Epidural Shortage- A Painful Lesson from Reality

Beginning November, women in Israel may have to give birth without the trusted epidural injection to relieve their pain. The Association of Anesthesiologists of Israel has warned of a “serious shortage of epidural kits to relieve the pain of women

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Posted in Articles, Health, News

Education as an Antidote for Hunger

This week, the UN, and several related organizations, marked two significant dates: the World Food Day and the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. International organizations for the poor and hungry have existed at least since the end of

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Posted in Articles, Global Economy, News

How to Fight Right

Jews always argue. In our history, these arguments have sometimes led to violence, and even flared such hatred that they inflicted ruin on our nation. Yet arguments, or as we prefer to call them, “debates,” have been a core value

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News, Politics

If We Do Not Recognize Jerusalem as Our Capital, Why Should Australia?

This week, Australia’s center-left government reversed a decision by the previous, conservative ‎administration, to recognize West Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Australia’s Foreign Minister, Penny Wong, said the city’s status should be decided through negotiations between Israel and the

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Posted in Articles, Israel, News, Politics

Debunking the Myth of Jewish Wisdom

Jews have a reputation of being smart. Indeed, if you look at the list of Nobel Prize laureates, you will notice that Jewish sounding names are far more common than their share of the world’s population. There is also the

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Posted in Articles, Donald Trump, Israel, Jewish, News

When Power Is the Ideology

The protests in Iran have not abated for several weeks now, despite reports of hundreds of casualties. The determination of the Iranian people is admirable, as is their willingness to rise above fear. I have said several times that the

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Posted in Articles, Media, News

Cajoling Jew-Haters Does Not Abate Antisemitism

Earlier this week, I wrote about the new report by the policy planning think tank The Jewish People Policy Institute – JPPI that revealed the depth of antisemitism on the Left and how dangerous it is. In that post, I intentionally left

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Posted in antisemitism, Articles, Jewish, News

Tomorrow’s World Relationships

A perfect match? A loving family? Happy children? The pressures of today’s world create a grim reality where successful and lasting relationships are something of a fantasy. We cannot rely on the experience of elders since they lived in a

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Posted in Articles, Family, Interpersonal Relationships, News

The Facade of Internet Neutrality Exposed

After years of avoiding this sensitive issue, the US Supreme Court finally agreed this month “to decide whether social media platforms may be sued despite a law that shields the companies from legal responsibility for what users post on their

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