There is a saying, “Change your habits, and your life will change.” It is true that habits govern much of our lives, but the key question is why should we change them and what should we change them to? We…
First, we need to understand that our thoughts shape our life and what this means. Our attitude toward who and what we are, to what surrounds us, and to our purpose, are all considered “our thoughts.” We would thus be…
The Hebrew word for money, “Kesef,” comes from the word for “covering,” “Kisuf.” It stems from the idea that money is a covering over our desires. Money is not merely cash or the numbers in our bank accounts. If we…
Indeed, children are much more inclined toward adapting to changes than adults. Adults have already settled into their ways. They believe things cannot change or improve and resign themselves to accepting life as it is. Children, however, still hold on…
Each person receives their own soul. However, if you are not satisfied with the soul you received, you have the opportunity to correct it. Correcting your soul means applying an intention to love, bestow, and connect positively with others upon…
Physicist Michio Kaku envisions a future where technology propels humanity toward a “super-future,” with devices and machines designed to improve our lives. In theory, this sounds promising. Imagine distributing devices to everyone that, instead of distracting or isolating us like…
Hanukkah is the state of a miraculous spiritual transition from exile to redemption. Before we can experience spiritual redemption, we must first feel and recognize our state of spiritual exile. Exile is the state of being disconnected from spirituality, the…
Childbirth is inherently a painful process. Nature made it so, as it is written, “In pain you will give birth.” This pain, however, is not limited to the physical act of bringing a child into the world—it also represents the…
In response to the Buddhist saying, “Never interfere in someone else’s suffering. A person must grow tired of himself and drink the cup of poison allotted to him,” I wholeheartedly agree. This is beautifully said. If you try to pull…
You can only help someone who is ready to be helped. When a person is suffering, their perception of the world is clouded by their pain, rendering them deaf and blind to anything beyond it. In such a state, no…
In the 1960s, various experiments of Martin Seligman showed how dogs conditioned to associate a sound with an unavoidable electric shock stopped trying to escape, even when presented with an easy way out—a very low fence that they could easily…
One of my students brought me this question, mentioning how scientists have often asked people who know they are about to die this very question: “What would you change in your life?” At such a point, when many people reflect…