There is a parable about a sage who used to carry water in two pots, one of which was cracked. Every day he brought the cracked pot home filled only halfway with water. One day, the pot itself said: “I’m…
There is a parable about a strong wind blowing at a tree, bending and almost breaking it. The tree told the wind: “You’re going to break me.” The wind answered: “No, I will make you stronger, your roots will grow…
History shows that the world’s biggest transformations and crises have always been accompanied by the rise of antisemitism. Jews have continuously been viewed as the root of all evil and have been the scapegoats for blame in a staggering array…
I cannot view the current wave of antisemitism heedlessly. During the last decade I’ve warned through media articles and books about the threat of a potential new Holocaust on American soil or Europe, in light of the growing anti-Jewish sentiment…