Dr. Michael Laitman To Change the World – Change Man

Above Our Petty Selves

Detecting new phases in the development of humanity is easy: If a new level of interconnection and interdependence emerges, it’s a sign that we’ve moved into a new phase. COVID-19 is a classic case of emergence of a new phase.

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Clicking the World’s Restart Button

We have no choice. COVID-19 has exposed the world as one integral system and we need to adapt to it. The forecast of the international scientific community warns of subsequent waves and aftershocks of the pandemic and other natural blows

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You Cannot Step into the Same River Twice

We may be relieved that the economy is reopening and we are coming out of the lockdown, but as Heraclitus said, “You cannot step into the same river twice.” Our pre-coronavirus way of life will not return. We have entered

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Posted in Articles, Coronavirus, Global Economy

The Case for the Ego

We often state that the human ego causes all the problems and without it everything would be great in the world. But there’s a very good reason for the existence of the enormous human ego. The ego is what separates

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Posted in Articles, Coronavirus, Integral Education

Time of Women’s Leadership

As the world awakens to a new reality, the imperative role of women to put together the broken pieces and rebuild society has become more evident and urgent. COVID-19 made us realize this fact even more vividly, starting with the

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Posted in Articles, Business in the New World, Coronavirus

How Changes in the Workplace Will Change Our Relations

Life will not be the same after the coronavirus pandemic. That is an understatement, but how could the healing process improve our interpersonal relationships and our perspectives of life? Working from home, being physically apart from other coworkers, but spending

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Synopsis of Correction

Now that we’re no longer sheltering in place, the focus shifts from health to provision. Many businesses will not survive the coronavirus crisis since there will be no demand for them. Humanity is changing; many things we regarded as staples,

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The Teachings of a Global Epidemic

The world is eagerly trying to get back to its feet. It is clear that people need to secure their livelihoods, put food on their tables, and get back to business, but I wonder, have we learned the lessons the

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Posted in Articles, Coronavirus, Social Mutual Responsibility

What Nature Wants From Us

It may feel like an eternity, but in a matter of a few weeks the entire world has changed dramatically, awakening existential questions and soul searching in us. What have we done for nature to unleash upon us this COVID-19

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Baby Steps to Love

With all the talk about the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) and other relief packages in the U.S. and other countries, you could think that the vanishing of COVID-19 is just around the corner. It is not. It will be with

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Despite Impatience, Too Early to Lift COVID-19 Lockdown

We have not defeated the coronavirus. We know too little about how it works, how it’s transmitted, and what steps we can take to ease the lockdown without reigniting the outburst. At the same time, we clearly need to restock

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Are We Going Back to Normal?

One thing we have certainly learned from the coronavirus quarantine is that nature could live peacefully without our interference. As countries begin to consider lifting the lockdowns imposed to avoid further contagion, we see unequivocal signs of the planet’s ecological

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