There is no example in all of humanity of a people or a nation that so desperately pursues to undermine and inflict pain on themselves as the Jewish people. As if antisemitism had not given rise to enough enemies, history…
There is no example in all of humanity of a people or a nation that so desperately pursues to undermine and inflict pain on themselves as the Jewish people. As if antisemitism had not given rise to enough enemies, history…
The matter of Jewish self-hatred deeply worries me. It is the reason why the nations of the world hate us: because we hate ourselves. As a Jew, I cannot stand by and passively witness how disunity has infected every corner…
In today’s Daily Kabbalah Lesson, we read the 60th letter of Kabbalist Yehuda Ashlag (Baal HaSulam), where he responded to a question from someone who had read his essay Matan Torah [“The Giving of the Torah”] following its publication. Matan Torah elaborates on the…
Observing a Mitzvah (commandment) means wanting, through our efforts, to connect the states we undergo with their higher source. In doing so, we resolve the states that we pass through, as it is that higher source—the force of love and bestowal called…