Trust is when we use the system of connection between us, which exists and reveals itself to us. To the extent that we discover this system, we are in mutual connection with others. That is a state where we can…
Trust is the realization and sensation of inner connection between people. Its manifestation at every moment and in every state is what defines trust. Otherwise, it is nonexistent. Trust is an immense force that is positioned at the foundation of…
Complete trust can come about when we realize that we all live in a single integral system, interconnected and interdependent. We have reached a stage of our evolution where the world is integral, and in an integral system the particular…
Trust means relying on another person based on an agreement that we have mutually established. It is when we place our confidence in someone else, expecting them to uphold their part of the deal, and it is based on the…
Yes, indeed. I heard one of my students recently even label our era as characterized by a growing “trust crisis” in the media, the government, and among people. We see a lack of understanding of what trust is and how…
Trust is when I rely on another person according to an agreement that we have mutually established. Based on KabTV’s “News with Dr. Michael Laitman” with Kabbalist Dr. Michael Laitman on May 28, 2023. Written/edited by students of Kabbalist Dr.…
The current school system reflects a broader mismatch between education and the needs of modern children, families, and society. The traditional model of schooling no longer aligns with contemporary life. It was designed for a different era—one of industrialization, rigid…
“Yedid Nefesh” (“Beloved of My Soul”) is a prayer song written by Elazar ben Moshe Azikri, a Kabbalist who lived in Safed (Heb. Tzfat, a city in northern Israel known for its Kabbalistic inhabitants) between 1533 and 1600. Over time, the…
We strive for better, more comfortable lives, which is natural. But do we attach the right intention to it? Do we correct the “human being” in us while doing so, i.e., elevating us above our animal level to the level…
Modern-day systems deliberately hold us in debt as a form of modern slavery. This system binds people, confuses them, and enslaves them. We think we are free, but if we cannot provide for our families today, we are bound by…
Money (“Kesef” in Hebrew) represents a covering (Kisui) over egoism, the desire to enjoy for self-benefit alone. It lets us either fulfill our desires to enjoy inwardly for ourselves alone or use them to benefit others. With money, we can…
Money is an ancient invention. Historical records show coins in circulation as early as 650 BCE. Initially, the value of money was determined by the weight and material of the coins themselves. Over time, metal coins gave way to paper…